Chapter 16 (Finale!)

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Special thanks to:


This is it folks

Hope you've enjoyed the ride

It's been a hell of a riiiiide

But you thought we were goin to heaven

Well- I motherfucking liiieed


I can't believe I've made it through to the end

That makes two of us lol

I almost didn't lol


My editor of course (of course)

SHOUTOUT TO THE AUTHOR AS WELL this was your story dude congrats :)

Oh and it's not a coincidence there's SIXTEEN chapters

Christopher Paolini, C. M. Koseman, and Simon Stalenhag

Ghost, Vane, Rip, Set It Off, KIRA, charM-P

Jesters Pity for being what i listened to while writing this

I thought it was... rather fitting wouldn't you say?

Josip Broz Tito my favorite vocaloid

Oh and of course

You, dear reader

(Hasta La bye bye suckers, see you on the other side >:)

If you ever get bored, write a book with your friends, I ten out of ten recommend) -The Editor lol

Anyway lets fucking end!

I wake up and check the clock. 6:30ish. I should probably get Tau before telling Iris. I wanted her to have peace for as long as possible. I get up to leave, being careful to not disturb Iris. I brush my hair out of my face, put on her jacket, pocket my special pistol, and walk to Tau's house. I knock on the door.


I knock again.




"Tau, I'm coming in!" I shout. I don't get a response. I dig around my pockets frantically, trying to stay calm and figure shit out. I finally pull a lockpick from my pocket and pick the lock. The door opens with a creak. I slowly walk up the stairs, unsure of what lays ahead. Still nothing. The silence is beginning to creep me out. I reach the door to Tau's room, arm stretching out slowly.

"Tau? Are you there?" I whisper. I wait for a few seconds. Everything remains quiet. Shit. I reach for the doorknob and slowly open the door. The door opens with a loud annoying creak. When I open the door I take a step back. Tau lies dead on the ground, a massive hole going right through their chest, a puddle of lime green coolant slowly oozes from the wound onto their carpet, wires exposed.

"Holy shit." I exhale, shaking, holding back sobs. I grab my phone and call Orion. They pick up immediately.

"What is it Bia? This better be important, I haven't had my coffee yet."
"You gotta come to Tau's house quick."

"It's... early. Can't you just tell me?" The phone stalls.
"Tau's fucking dead Orion!" I sob.

"I know."

"You WHAT?" I say, caught off-guard.
"I mean I... don't know how this could've happened..." Orion says. It's not the phone that's pausing, it's fuckin him, hesitant and guilty and shit.
"Bull. Shit." I snarl at the phone.

"Bia I can explain-"
"I don't want to hear it."

I throw my phone at the ground. It hits the corner between the wooden floor and Tau's metal bed frame. It shatters and I storm out.

What the fuck was Orion talking about? What did they know? I go downstairs and hijack mag-lev headed towards their house. I crash on the curb and jump out, unfazed. I walk the rest of the way. It's weird to be here, I haven't seen this place since I moved in with Iris. I try the doorknob and to my surprise the door swings open easily. As if welcoming me back.

Strange that they left it unlocked.


"Fine. You want an explanation?" They say, appearing from the staircase. "I killed Tau. There. Are you fucking happy?" He shouts, spinning their butterfly knife.

"What? Why?" I scream back, staring up at him, them staring down at me like some disappointed angry god.

"Because it's not fair." They say softly.

"What isn't fair?" I shout.

"That they just get such an easy way out."

"You could have had a way out too! You could've come with us!"
"It's not that easy Bianca."

"Why not?" I ask, holding my breath.
"Because... Because I'm the spy." He says, looking at me, expecting something. A reaction. I disappoint him.

"Why?" I ask, my confusion clear.
"Because the Sarenians told me that if I gave them the info they needed, they... wouldn't hurt me or Jinny."

"And you trust them?!" I start shouting again.
"What other fucking choice do I have Bianca! We can't all go gallivanting around with our heads in the clouds all the time with no fucking care in the world about our goddamn consequences! Look at you! Evelien and Phoebe are dead because of you and YOU DON'T EVEN FUCKING CARE!" They point their gun at me and my breath stops.
"Orion, that's not fair-" I manage to stutter.

"Before you go ahead saying I'm a monster, take a fucking look in the mirror! You. Don't. Care. About. Anyone. But. Yourself. Honestly it's sickening. You don't deserve love, you don't deserve friends, and you certainly don't fucking deserve to get a free ride out of this fuckimg place! Your only fucking way of dealing with things is violence and you aren't even fucking good at that! I remember when you were too much of a FUCKING COWARD to kill that girl at the casino-"
I shoot them in the chest. Just like they did to Tau. I put my pistol down on the ground and leave it there.

"I may be a monster. But you're just as bad."

They're only response is a grotesque gurgling sound. Blood begins bubbling from their mouth.

Shit. I have to tell Iris what happened. I remember my broken phone left with Tau and take Orion's phone.

"Orion?" Iris says, confused and clearly just awoken. Sigh in relief, happy she's okay.

"Iris we gotta go. Now." I say, running out of the apartment, not waiting a moment.
"What is it babe?" She says, recognizing my voice through the phone.

"I'll explain on the ride. Just hurry." I'm at Orion's mag-lev, speeding down streets.
"Is Tau with you?" I hear over traffic sounds.
"Tau's dead. I'll explain everything on the ride but we need to go now." I say, pulling up at our place.

"Okay reizend." I hear her say, hanging up.

She runs out and takes the seat beside me. I hit the road, never to turn back. As we drive off into the sunrise I don't look back, even for a second. It's time for me to put this chapter of my life behind me, behind us.

"Bia, how'd you get Orion's mag-lev?"
"I guess I ought to start at the beginning. My life has been a wild ride and this will be a long one... let's get out of here first." I say, turning up the radio and driving like it's Jinny behind the wheel. Leaving everyone behind or dead, driving into the sunset.


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