Chapter 10

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Special thanks to:

Hii its ur favorite weird little bitch tamari and today we're having my editor do special thanks cuz I can't think of anything. (If you do good, that's a point in favor of you being a co-writer. BUT IF YOU MESS THIS UP I WILL FUCK YOU AND YOUR WIFE) (SIR! This is going to be the cleanest, most well prepped, most surgical hit we've ever had! look what you've done, I'm an Italian with clear family issues... surprisingly common in hell... but that's beside the point.) (Luv we don't insult Italy anymore cuz theyre like, ⅛ of my viewers)

Put on your socks so I can knock them right off.

Alright, beeps and peeps, lads, lasses, and lassos, fellow friends and enemies. Welcome to hell.

... (Seriously, did I do good or what?) ... ok

And finally because we need some class and decorum:

Cw war crimes (?) Maybe Iris isn't the best influence on Bia but so what. Oh also german but like cool german not evil german.

Anyway let's fucking start!

Iris grabs my hood and turns to me.

"Bro, what was that!?" She whisper-demands.

"Bro?? You just had your tongue down my throat and now you're calling me bro!?" I fumble.

"Yeah, ugh, I don't know." She says, covering her face with her hands. I gently reach for her hands, then stop before reaching them, instead moving past them and instead pulling her into a hug. She takes a deep breath and I stare at the ground as I try to seperate the feeling of her racing heartbeat, and obnoxiously thundering loud, speeding faster than Jinny's driving, mine. I breathe softly, and slowly, her breathing meets mine. She steps back and just... looks at me. I look back, and Tau grabs me by the shoulder and pulls me away.

"Listen I don't know what the fuck that was, but we've got more important business."

"Like what?" I say, clearing my throat.

"Like taking down an entire goddamn Martian space station." Tau says with a murderous grin.

"Tau! Antoni said to lie low! What are you even talking about?" We both look beside us to see Orion and Iris. The question, unsurprisingly, came from Orion. I quickly fill them in with our, occasional violent shenanigans.

"Count us in." Iris says. I smile, and look over to Tau, who's scowling and mood has clearly plummeted.

"May I have a word, Bianca." They say, practically dragging me around the corner into the hallway.

"Biaaaaaaaaaa! Could you maybe, I dunno... tell your little girlfriend to... buzz off?" Tau shrugs. I look over my shoulder, frantically.

"Tau! She's not my... for fuck's sake. I don't know. Just let her on the mission." Tau shakes their head.

"Well why are you letting Orion come?" I ask.

"Cause he wouldn't shut up otherwise. He'd probably tell Antoni or some shit." Tau replies, crossing their arms.

"Well then why can't Iris come? It seems fine to me." I sigh.

"What do you mean, FINE?! Do you care more about Iris than me!?" Tau demands, putting their arms out.

"Of course not," I say quickly, but not without hesitation. And Tau doesn't miss it, I sigh as their eyes widen and I recognize the expression of hurt. "But can we... bring her?" I push, slowly.

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