The Teams (Chapter 2)

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Alejandro was most definitely not pleased with the team he got, no, not at all. It didn't help when the Sierra girl gave them a very weird team name. Ok, it's not just weird... It's something... 


Since Chris, the host, seems to like it AND since it's probably too late to change it now anyways he'll just go along with it. 

The only member he could tolerate so far is... probably Noah?... Even though he's quite negative, he isn't a moron. That, he could tolerate. About the rest of his team though? He of course will just try to handle them and maintain his cool. Who knows? He can't judge so quickly, maybe they could actually be useful at some point. He looks over at Noah, who seems quite bored and doubtful. When the teams all got their items, they gotten a goat. He couldn't blame him. The goat was small, it seems a little hard to believe that they could all get on it and that the thing could carry them all the way to the Nile River. But it was better than having a stick, unlike Team Victory...

So, he figured out how to get the entire team on there and was ready for them to go. Noah was, of course, being negative again. But Alejandro decided that he'll just get used to how negative he is all the time, he doesn't know why, but he supposes it only because he's the only person in the team that isn't a mindless zombie in his eyes.


(Random Creator note: We all know that it's definitely not just that lol...)


[Noah's perspective]

When the new members to this season arrived, Noah was definitely not interested. Sure Alejandro does indeed seem "charming"... actually why does he even agree with it? Well whatever, the most important thing is that he doesn't care. He doesn't really care about anything to be exact, but to be honest, it was also the reason why he got voted out in season 1. It was for not playing dodgeball. Noah doesn't enjoy sports. He really doesn't. He likes using his intelligence more than sports, sports are dumb in his eyes anyways. 


Noah was put in a team with both new members.


Only one now... Sierra convinced Chris to switch her and Izzy.  

It was quite annoying since the boat was almost finished, and then she left the team just because she wanted to be in the same team with Cody. Sierra was the best weaver in the team, now without her, the boat building progress became a lot slower. Alejandro just kept encouraging them on though. Noah though, of course, was unconvinced that they could win now. Since Sierra is on Team Amazons now, their boat was immediately finished and was even better than theirs. Noah was losing hope that they could win until he noticed that Team Amazon's camel, Ruby, wouldn't get in the boat. Team Amazons were unable to get the camel to budge. Izzy was about to help out but then Noah covered her mouth. This is the perfect chance.  

He was then going back to working on the boat but then caught Alejandro glancing at him, he wasn't sure if he did though. Because when he looked back, Alejandro was back working on the boat.

(Creator's note: We all know damn well Alejandro WAS lookin.)

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