Stop Bothering Me (Chapter 6)

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The awkward interaction was... strange... Noah had no idea how it turned into that, and he swore to not start getting close to Alejandro. He knows Alejandro is probably not a very trustworthy person, and he's not going to go back on what he swore to not do. If he goes back on it, it shouldn't be surprising if it comes boomeranging back and... POOF!

Out the plane he goes.

But it's hard to get rid of Alejandro, he has his mind set upon befriending Noah. Noah was not having it at all, but sadly, it's not like he could make him stop just by telling him to. It's not like he tried multiple times.

"Oh, amigo. Do you not enjoy my presence? That really hurts my feelings."

Alejandro would say with a fake upset face. 

Luckly, Alejandro doesn't solely bother Noah 24/7. He would hang out with many other people, and THEN he would bother Noah. Noah hates to admit it, but he enjoys Alejandro's presence... only sometimes though. Now Noah can kind of see why all the girls are starting to fall for Alejandro, it's quite easy to if you don't notice his true intensions. 

Then. The challenge starts.

Noah, of course decided to be the baby in the carriage. Even though it's weird, it means he barely has to do anything. All he has to do is sit in the carriage and his teammates just bring him along in the carriage, plus, he also doesn't like doing activities like this anyways and is thankful to not have to do it. 

He was starting to get a little tired, so he fell asleep.

He was almost stuck underneath Owen the entire night just because nobody cared enough to notice he was missing, well except only Alejandro. It was only to start bothering him again though, and Noah did NOT want to be reminded of what happened while Alejandro was helping him up. 

In other words, it's quite clear why Noah would be tired and just fall asleep in the carriage.

Little did he know about all the drama that happened when he was asleep though...

(Creator's Note: I'm sorry for making such short chapters, but I don't like randomly switching through POV's in a story, I think it makes things very confusing. But on the brighter side, it means I post chapters more often.)

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