Jealousy or Annoyance? (Chapter 8)

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(I'm running out of title names... plz help. Oh yea, and Noah just woke up having no clue what happened in the challenge, but he doesn't give a fuck and didn't question it.)

Next challenge was in Germany.

Once they arrived, Noah noticed Alejandro talking with Leshawna romantically. Noah felt a weird uneasy feeling in his head, he wasn't sure what it was though. Even though he had no idea what it was, it was annoying. Whenever he looks at Leshawna and Alejandro, it just makes it even worst for some reason. 

Noah tries ignoring it, but he couldn't. He doesn't know why it bugs him so much to the point where his attention keeps getting shifted to it, but the final straw was when Alejandro complimented Leshawna's dance moves. 

Noah just finally gives him a piece of his mind.

"What's with you and Leshawna? Giving the enemy a pep talk? Not cool." 

Noah says in a slightly snarky voice.

"Very perceptive my brilliant teammate! I'm working an angle that will benefit our team!"

Alejandro answers simply. 

Noah just goes back to dancing and tries to forget about it. It's just to benefit the team, nothing else. He shouldn't be feeling this worked up over something like this, it makes him seem jealous... Noah thinks about it for a bit, why would he be jealous anyways? He's just annoyed. That's all. He's just annoyed that Alejandro is encouraging the other team, he's not jealous. He couldn't be. 

Noah pushes the thoughts of jealousy away; he doesn't trust Alejandro. He doesn't necessarily like him too much either, so why would he be jealous about Alejandro flirting with Leshawna? It's Alejandro's own decisions, he shouldn't even bother. 

He's annoyed. Not jealous. 

(Creator's Notes: heyheyhey. He's actually jealous. 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯😱😱😱😱😱😱)

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