So, um-... (Chapter 3)

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Alejandro was quite curious about who Noah is and didn't even notice he was staring at him the entire time....

And he got caught....

Maybe Noah wouldn't have noticed? There's a chance he didn't-

He looks back for a moment-

He looks back for a moment-

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(I drew this)


That was... a mistake...

Now he definitely noticed...

Alejandro definitely didn't want to start off on the wrong foot with him, he wanted to make everyone trust him... Including Noah... He would probably think Alejandro is a creepy and weird person now, and wouldn't trust him...

Alejandro starts cursing a bit under his breath so that nobody noticed

Luckily, Noah seemed to not really care or maybe didn't really believe that Alejandro was looking at him, since Alejandro turned his eyes off of him quickly. 

The boat was finished.

The whole team got on and started getting to the finish.


After the challenge Alejandro thought everything was good and well and that Noah didn't really care or notice about the weird staring, he was quite wrong... He notices that Noah was keeping a close eye on him, interesting. After just one wrong step and Noah already is suspicious of him, it's quite obvious that Noah already is starting to catch up on his schemes. Just by the way he is looking at him. It would be harder to plan things out and carry out those plans if someone seems to always be watching, but Alejandro is not only charming, but smart as well. All he has to do is regain Noah's trust. 


It's a little harder than he expected.

He already knew Noah is negative as hell, but never expected him to be so hard to even talk to. He's not quite sure if Noah is even listening to anything he tries to say to him, he just continues reading some boring book and would barely talk to him.

Alejandro just keeps his cool and says-

"Ay, amigo. Could you stop reading so that we can talk normally?"

Noah just looks up to him and says-

"Why? How is the book even bothering you?"

But Noah puts the book down anyways and rolls his eyes.

"So. What's so important that you want to say to me that you're making me put my book down?"

Alejandro just smiles and says-

"It's not very important, it's just hard to see if you're paying attention when you're reading amigo."

Noah just looks at him weirdly...


(Awkard silence)


[Creator's Note: Hey, I think they're starting to get along. I think.... Anyways, sorry for just putting a short chapter again, I can't think. And I can't really write. I need ideas help. 😥😥😥😥]

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