Karma (Chapter 11)

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When Alejandro was caught by Jack the Ripper, it just made Noah feel a way.

It's not happiness like he thought it would be.

It made him upset.

Not in a disappointed way, but in a way you'd feel if something very dear to you got lost or taken away.

This makes him even more annoyed, even angry at Alejandro.

He has no way to channel his emotions in a way that he wants it to be, so he decided to put the blame on Alejandro.

So, when Owen basically asked Noah how he feels about Alejandro?

He gotten a little defensive and worked up over it, and just trash talked him.

And now it's biting back at him.

At first, a relief, but then when Noah realized that everyone who gone missing has been watching, he realized he made a mistake. 

Alejandro glared at him.

And he had a reason to be unhappy with Noah, and Noah knows it.

They lost the challenge even though they actually caught "Jack the Ripper", who was actually Ezekiel, meaning that their team is facing elimination. 

From what he said about Alejandro will definitely get him voted off.

"Oh, shit I messed up."

(Creator's Notes: I'm not good at writing angst but I think it's time that I have to... no more seeing them trying to get each other's attention.... it's time to watch them suffer.😔😔😔)

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