Can't Let Go (Chapter 12)

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While sitting, waiting for elimination, Alejandro didn't know how that one insult from Noah would hurt him that badly.

He has the urge to just vote him out the game so he wouldn't have to see him anymore and feel even more hurt, and so he does.


Of course, Chris has a trick up his sleeve.
(Since Heather isn't in here, the story can't progress, and to stir up more drama😰)

Chris just then decides to maybe give the team a chance to not lose another member, since they got the correct specific "criminal" he wanted them to find.

The deal was that the person eliminated will go through a challenge by themselves.

If they were able to complete the challenge in time and correctly, they would be back in the game and the game would continue like normal.

Of course, Chris knew that Noah would be voted off, so he planned something special for that challenge...

The challenge Noah would have to complete is something that requires less sportsy things, and be more based on intelligence, since Noah is not the best at sports... 

In order to win this challenge, Noah would have to answer a set of questions, and they are eel based... :)
(Yes, Chris most likely just slapped some stuff he searched up on google in the questionings bc he aint spending time to think up of them himself.)

Noah would have to answer them correctly, and in time. Each question he gets correct, he would have to reach a hand in a pool of oil and grab an eel. The thing is though, he'll have to grab the correct eel. The eel in the pool of oil that has a little ribbon tied to it. He would have to find the right eel in about 2 minutes, and there are about 60 eels in the pool.

Noah gulped.

This will be very painful...

But from all the other challenges he went through, this is normal.

Noah never shown too much interest in eels before, but he had read some books about eels before as a child, it's been a long time before so he might not remember all the things in the book.

It's mostly dependent on luck.

If he's lucky, Chris picked questions that he knows the answer to, if not, then he's going home.

He sits recalling everything he knows and remembers, and Chris calls out,

"The challenge will begin, in 3... 2... 1..."

(Creator's Note: I can't think of any other creative challenge, don't stare at me grrgrgrgrg🙄😡)

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