(Ch. 2) Constellations

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-TW's- abuse mentions?, Dark Thoughts

*A week after chapter 1*

The Collector POV

The Collector floated around, moving the stars and asteroids. 

I missed this part of living here... The creation of new Constellations and stars. It always gave me peace.

They changed the color of a couple stars and moved them to make a bunny constellation. It reminded them of King, which made them a bit sad. 

Maybe I should visit soon. That would be nice.

They continued moving the little stars around, changing the colors as they moved. The Collector found it beautiful, even though their siblings had not when they were younger. They had said it would "confuse the mortals," but The Collector knew this was false. 

"King?" The Collector asked and King looked over at them from the other bed. "Yeah buddy?" He replied. "Do you find it confusing when the stars change color?" King looked at The Collector with a questioning look. "I don't at all, in fact most people on the isles find it normal. A lot of people like it because it looks like an eclipse or something, but come to think of it I don't think anyone likes eclipses anymore." King laughed sadly. The Collector looked at their bed and their thoughts consumed them. Their mind was hazy and dark. They said it would confuse everyone, but it doesn't. They were wrong. They probably just hated me. I'm probably just a pathetic little kid in their lives. They never cared about the mortals, just what annoyed them or not. And I annoy them. They wanted me gone. They never cared. It would be better if I wasn't even here anymore. "Collector? You good?" The Collector jumped at King's voice and looked around at his friend. He probably just thinks you're annoying like everyone else. He's just pretending to be your friend. He doesn't care. He wants me gone. The Collector looked at King and forced a smile. "Yup! Alllllllll good! Completely fine!"

The Collector looked at the bunny constellation sadly. They tried to push the thoughts away but they always came back, they were always there. To distract themself they started to make another constellation, this time making a little Owl, which reminded them of Eda. Then they made a snake, for Luz.

"Ugggggg why can't I just get everyone out of my head!!" The Collector yelled smashing their hand into a little star, breaking it into smaller pieces. "Oops!!" They quickly fixed the star and then sat down on their big Star, burying their face into their legs. "Why can't I just be normal..."

"Oh I don't know... Why can't you just be 'normal.'" The Collector whipped around startled by the voice of their siblings. 

"Hello Collector... We're just popping in for a visit." Moon said and The Collector froze.

No. No. No No No No No. H-How'd they find me...

The other archivists looked at the small kid and Sun laughed at them. "Just as pathetic as I remember. Not even gonna give us a hello?" They said mocking the kid. The Collector just stood there frozen and shaking violently, gripping Francois close to their body. 

No. I'm not going back. I'm not going back. I'm not going back!!

"No! Stay away from me!" The Collector yelled stepping away from their siblings, almost slipping off the edge of the star.

They just laughed at them. "Oh what? You can't even face your own siblings?" Planet laughed pushing the Collector the rest of the way off the star. The Collector yelped as they fell a bit but Sun caught them with their magic. The Collector struggled but their arms were forced to their sides by the magic and they couldn't move very much. "Awwwwww you're so cute." Sun mocked, spinning the Collector around a bit. 

The Collector struggled but upon figuring out they could barely move they started going into a panic attack, shaking violently and breathing shallowly. 

"Are they gonna cry~" Star said and the rest of the archivists started laughing. The Collector tried to take steady breaths but it was extremely hard for them to do so under the current circumstance. 

Then Moon reached down and picked up Francois. "What's this? A stuffed bunny? Oh come on- don't tell me you still sleep with stuffed animals." Moon remarked. 

The Collector was filled with rage as Moon touched Francois. "Don't touch that!!"

"Or what? You're gonna throw a fit~" Sun mocked. Moon laughed and then started to slowly pull Francois in different directions making a few of the stitches break. 

"You must protect Francois, WITH YOUR LIFE!!!"

The Collector suddenly broke free from the magic and blasted Moon down, quickly grabbing Francois and holding the stuffed bunny close. Then in their panic the Collector used their magic to teleport. 

They fell to the ground in a heap and groaned. Their head felt hazy and they couldn't stand up. The magic Sun had used had weakened them greatly and they felt like they could pass out. Their vision was blurry as they tried to look around. Before they passed out they heard a voice. 

"Collector? Collector!!"


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