(Ch. 9) Bubble

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-TW's- Torture, Being Starved, Panic Attack, Basically stuff like that :)

Collector POV

The Collector opened their eyes groggily, groaning in pain.  They tried to sit up but it hurt, so they propped themself up on their elbows. When they moved they felt a tug on their legs and arms and realized they were chained inside some kind of bubble. Then they heard Moon's voice. Moon was playing a song on a piano and was singing along. 

"We'll meet again~ Don't know where, don't know when!!!-" Then Moon slammed on the keyboard and looked at The Collector who was looking at Moon with great confusion. "Ha ha just kidding, I'm terrible at singing. Plus this is Bill's evil greeting song, not mine and I don't wanna be a copy cat." 

Moon evaporated the piano with a snap and then came and stood by the small bubble prison. "Although I kinda did copy Bill's bubble prison idea just a little bit. Just minus the evil wonderland. Papa Titan's prison idea also helped." Moon said with a shrug, holding the bubble in their hand. "I can bend this bubble to my will however I want though." Moon put their other hand on the other side of the bubble and began pushing inward, making the bubble shrink even smaller. The Collector began to get squished and they screamed out. 

"Ow!! Ow!! S-Stop!!" The Collector screamed pressing their hands against the shrinking bubble to try and stop it. 

The Collector hated small spaces and bubbles. They had hated them ever since Papa Titan had trapped them in that bubble prison for centuries, and the kid knew that this was the feeling Moon was going for. Their sibling wanted The Collector to relive the worst feeling they had ever had in their life. 

"I'll stop and let you go if you just tell us where the titan is." Moon replied shrinking the bubble a little smaller. The Collector began panicking and tried pushing harder. "No use Collie- The Bubble won't break unless I unweave the magic and I ain't doing that any time soon, I mean unless you tell us where you're good ol friend is of course." 

Soon the Bubble was so small The Collector could barely turn around. They were wimpering, shaking, and hyper ventilating. 

No... NO... NOO!! I don't like this!! I j-just g-got f-free fr-from the other bubble- I-I don't w-want t-to go through t-this again!!

"Just tell me where he is already Collie~ Come on, I know you don't like this- You can end this now." Moon said before thinking of something else. "If you don't tell me i'll have Sun take over~" 

Panic went through The Collector's heart. Sun was the most ruthless of the four siblings. They didn't care what they did to get want they wanted, as long as they got it. When The Collector was younger Sun was the one who hurt them the most. Sun never felt compassion or pity for anyone. 

"N-No!! P-Please!! N-NO!!!" The Collector pleaded with Moon not wanting to have Sun be the one who tortured them. 

"Tell me then- Tell me and we'll let you go. Its easy peasy lemon squeezy- come on just tell me." Moon replied stopping the shrinking and letting the bubble float around. 

"I-I-I..." The Collector didn't know what to do, they didn't want to go through more pain, but they had to protect King. "No. I-I-I- g-give me what you got. Try to force it out of me- I won't b-betray him." 

Moon shrugged and then chuckled a bit. "You're choice- I'll make sure to tell Sun though that you want them to go as hard as they can~" 

The Collector started shaking as Moon teleported away, leaving them in complete darkness except for the glow of the bubble. They pushed on the bubble again trying to get out but it was no use. They figured they were back in the Archivist's strong hold, where they had lived before leaving. 

This must be the prison room... looks like I'm the only prisoner though.

They looked at their hands and clenched them closed. "How did I even get into this mess..." The Collector said to themself as they buried their face into their knees. 

Sun appeared out of nowhere and flicked the bubble making it travel a few feet in the darkness. "Heyo Collie! Moon said that you're all mine for the evening so lets get started- I've been waiting for someone to test new spells on ya know~" Sun came closer and unraveled the bubble, leaving the Collector to float in the air. Sun binded them with their magic to hold them still. "Now remember Collie- You can end this at any time. All you have to do is tell us where the titan is." 

Then the pain came. It was unbearable and The Collector screamed out. They could feel the burning tears flow down their face, even though they were trying to resist crying. They hadn't known what crying was like until Luz had died. 

Sun continued testing different spells on them, ignoring the child's screams. 

"You've had enough yet Collie- Just tell us where the dang titan is!!" Sun yelled in The Collector's face making them shiver and look away. 

"N-Never-" The Collector managed to answer, despite being weak. 

"No food then, you can't die from starvation but it'll make you desperate," Sun said recreating the bubble and making it as small as it could go with The Collector inside. 

"We'll continue in the morning," Sun said as The Collector passed out into darkness.

Poor Collector...

ANYWAY - This story is going on a schedule, a chapter will be posted every Friday at 11 am MST time. This is to reduce stress for me and it means you guys will always know when the next chapter is instead of waiting in nothingness. 

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