(Ch. 10) Worries

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This chapter is mainly fluff with some angst at the end :)

King POV

King ran and jumped, clinging onto Luz's legs. 

"HA! I gotcha!!" 

Luz giggled and picked him up.

"Luz Luz Luz Luz Luz Luz Luz Luz Luz Luz-" 

"What-" Luz said laughing. 

"Can I ride on your shoulder..." King asked hesitantly, looking down. Luz smiled and lifted him onto her shoulder. 

"Of course you can King." She said dramatically. "I shall be your mighty chariot!!" She put her staff out in front of her like a sword. She giggled a bit trying to keep it in but then they both erupted into laughter. 

"Aw man, it's good to see you again Luz. Even if you were only gone for a couple weeks completing your finals." King said hugging her neck, still laughing. 

"Yeah I missed you too buddy." Luz said before Hooty came over to them. 

"I also missed you guys!!!" The bird tube said completely butting in on their conversation. He wrapped around the two and they laughed. 

"Yep, you too Hooty." Luz said giggling. 

Eda came over and frowned faking a sad face. "Aww man I'm being left out of the hug?!" She said jokingly.

"I remember when you didn't want to be included in the hugs." Luz chuckled pulling Eda into the group hug. 

"Now I remember why I didn't want to be included." Eda responded, her voice strained because of the tight hug. Luz laughed and hugged Eda harder making her squeak, "Ok ok thats enough Luz!!" Eda said pushing away from Luz, King, and Hooty. 

King smiled and looked at his family. He was happy to be all together again, but he still felt empty inside without his best friend. He had a bad feeling and he didn't know why but suddenly his dinner threatened to come out. 

"Uh-Eda!! I-I-I think I-I'm gonna p-puke..." Then King threw up on the ground. The throw up was bright blue and was splattered all over the place. 

Luz jumped out of the way squeaking and Amity caught her to make sure she didn't fall. "King! You good?" Eda said waving a hand in his face. 

"S-Sorry just felt a bit s-sick... I d-don't know why. I-I-I just f-felt something b-bad c-come up and..." He responded looking at Eda's worried face. 

"Luz you really need to stop hugging so hard." Eda said turning to her and chuckling a bit. The throw up was cleaned up and the party went back to normal. 

King looked around still feeling empty, but then he noticed a familiar stuffie laying on the ground looking abandoned. He felt the color drain out of his face as he picked it up. 


Sorry short chapter :(

To The Stars And Back - (The Owl House)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon