(Ch. 13) A Ray Of Light In The Darkness

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I need to get better at uploading this... 

-TW- Abuse, Violence, Sad/Svicidal Thoughts, etc.

btw incase you get confused the beginning is refering to the hallucinations from the Collector's last chapter :)

Collector POV

Then The Collector woke up. Or did they? They didn't know. Had it been a dream? It didn't feel like a dream, it had felt so real. They rubbed their eyes and looked at the dark abyss that surrounded their bubble. It felt so empty, so alone. They didn't know what to do. 

The Collector sat up from their lying position and immediately felt shocking pain go through their body. They yelped and felt their side and face, there were bruises everywhere. They groaned and rubbed their eyes a bit, wishing everything was just a dream, but even if this was a dream it would be more like a nightmare. As they rubbed their eyes the purple chains on their wrists jangled and clinked, reminding them that they weren't in control at all anymore. 

Suddenly a soft voice made them flinch. "Sleep well?" It was Star, one of the archivists. 

"What do you want?!" The Collector said in a harsh voice, Star didn't flinch but sadly lowered their head. 

"Nothing, I just thought you'd want something to eat." Star held out a small plate of space rocks. The Collector just looked at Star with a distrusting expression. 
"Why? I thought you guys were trying to starve me?" They responded, still feeling skeptical. Their stomach growled though and they knew it wanted food. 

"The others want to starve you. I agreed with them at first that we should find the titan but I didn't think they'd go as far as torturing our sibling. I never wanted to do this to you. Here take the food before they find out I'm feeding you." Star said holding out the plate. 

The Collector still felt skeptical, but in their younger years (before coming to the isles for the first time) Star had been the nicest of the four older siblings. They mainly had stayed quiet throughout their childhood and hadn't taken place in the abuse or anything. Their stomach rumbled again and Star set the rocks inside the bubble. 

They decided they were too hungry to care if they were poisoned to make them sick or anything, so they ate the rocks. The young kid looked up at Star and smiled a little grateful smile. "I-uh- thanks I guess?" 

Star smiled regretfully and put their hand on the bubble. "If your friends ever show up, I'll help them free you. But I don't want the others to know I'm helping you." 

"Well... Most of them are mortals so they wouldn't even be able to get up here without any help." The kid responded, not knowing whether this was a trick or if Star was being genuine. 

"True. I'll try and find them then." Star started to leave. 


Star stopped. "What?" 

"Boiling Isles, Galaxy 53. That's where Luz and King are. I swear to the deepest pits of dark holes though, that if you have tricked me into trusting you and revealing where my best friend is... I will personally do whatever I can to make sure you pay for it, even if I'm just a kid," The Collector said with a warning tone at the end. 

"I pledge on the stars and with all my being that this is not a trick," Star responded putting their hand up to the sky. 

"Wow... You really made that vow just to prove that to me? Well when you find King, please tell him I'm sorry. And whatever you do don't let King come up here. I don't want him getting captured and killed," The Collector said with regret and guilt. "I don't know what I'd do if he got hurt trying to rescue me..." 

"Ok... But it's his decision ok?" Sun responded.

The Collector nodded and smiled before curling up into a ball. Star started to leave the dark abyss when suddenly the other three archivists appeared. 

"Star. What are you doing down here." Moon asked simply. The other two stood behind them and didn't say anything. 

"I-uh-just-um- making sure the kid was-uh-" Star said fumbling over their words trying to come up with an excuse. 

"You know you're supposed to talk to me if you're to talk to any prisoners," Moon said. "You blatantly ignored me." 

"I-I-I'm s-sorry," Star said looking back at The Collector who was trying not to draw attention to themself. That didn't work however as Moon walked over to the bubble and grabbed the kid by the chain around their neck, lifting them into the air to show off.

"You weren't helping the kid. Were you?" Moon asked maliciously with annoyance in their eyes. 

"N-No!! Of course not!" Star said backing away a bit, trying to act disgusted at the idea of helping The Collector. 

The Collector just looked at Star and immediately felt bad. 

This is my fault. It's my fault Star and King and Luz and Everyone else is hurting. It's my fault they're in danger. My fault. It'd be better if I just didn't exist in the first place.

Moon smiled and threw the Collector to the ground. They fell and felt something snap with excruciating pain in his ribs. Star stepped forward but stopped themself. 

"Ha knew it. You do care for the twerp." Moon said smugly. "And if you care for this useless piece of shit then you aren't trusted anymore." Moon snapped and Star disappeared. The Collector whimpered and tried not to cry. 

"Don't worry kiddo~ They're not dead, just somewhere where we can keep an eye on them so they don't do anything counterproductive." Moon said into The Collector's face with a sly smile. 

"Now where did we leave off?" 


AUTHOR NOTE: This chapter has been slightly rewritten now and edited. This is to make some things in the next chapters make more sense ya know.

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