(Ch. 14) To The Stars

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Art By Me!!! (Shows Star The Archivist)

King POV

King stood outside wondering how the hell they were going to do this. They had no idea how to get to the stars and had no idea whether they even could. He had been losing hope for days and nobody had found a way to cheer him up. Not even Luz could. 

He squeezed Francois and then flopped down on the ground. He felt dread, pain, and fear was the strongest. Fear that they were already too late. 

Luz walked out of the house and came to sit down next to King. 

"Hey kiddo, are you feeling better?" She asked hesitantly, looking at her hands. 

"No not really," King said as he leaned closer to Luz and buried his head into her shoulder. "I'm worried. I'm afraid it's going to be too late by the time we find out how to get up there. If there even is a way."

Luz hugged King, pulling him close, and didn't say anything. She just comforted him. 

"It's gonna be ok, It has to be ok," Luz said, not fully believing her own words. 


"What?!" Eda yelled from the house.

"Um, what was that..." Luz stood and started running towards the house, King following behind. She flew open the front door and immediately stopped in her steps. 

"Hey! Hey! What's happening!!" King yelled behind her, too short to see. 

Eda, Raine, Hunter, Willow, Gus, and Amity were surrounding a tall figure, spells ready to fire. 

The figure has wavy white hair and golden yellow eyes, dressed in a black and golden starry robe. Almost identical to The Collector, except more yellow and not purple-blueish. 

One of the Archivists.

"What have you done with The Collector!!!" Eda screamed stepping forward with a spell at the ready. 

"Woah Woah Woah. I'm here to help geez." The mysterious figure said putting their hands up. "Not to fight or anything." 

"But why should we trust you. This is probably a trick." Eda narrowed her eyes at them with a bit of a growl in her voice. 

"The Collector sent me. Well, more of I helped them and then they decided to trust me, then told me to tell you guys they're alright, then I got caught helping them after that, but Moon and the others are idiots so they forgot to use magic where they put me to prevent me from escaping. Like the most idiotic move ever but-" 

"Ok ok geez we get it! Which one of them are you?" Luz said stepping forward, King behind her. 

"Star at your service. Please let me help you, the others are doing terrible things and The Collector is getting weaker. He's going to break eventually..." Star looked up as if mourning their younger sibling. 

King's eyes shot up and he stepped forward.

The Collector had told King a while ago that Star was the only sibling they liked. The only one who had cared. The only one he would even consider wanting to visit someday, just to make sure they were ok. 

"We can trust them, maybe." 

"Huh? Who said that? A... ghost? Hello?" Star was confused, twisting around trying to the source of the voice. 

"Oh sorry." King quickly unclipped his pendant, his sudden appearance making Star jump a little. 

"I forgot you had that..." Star said with a sigh. "So you're the last remaining titan?" 

"Yes..." King said shifting uncomfortably. 

"Wow. So you're the one Moon's wasting all their time on huh?" Star said with an amused expression. 

"Wasting their time? But couldn't I destroy you guys or something?" King was confused, as was everyone else. No one knew what Star meant. 

"I mean if they had just left you and Collie alone, then you guys would've left us alone. That correct?" Star said with a sigh. 

"Uh yeah? I mean I would have no reason to except for you killing my dad but I don't want to start another war so I'd just leave it. Except they threatened my best friend, so not anymore."

"Proves my point exactly. They're setting themselves up for disaster by provoking you, we'd have no change in our power if we had just left you and Collie alone, But NoOoOo they had to erase all threats JuSt To MaKe SuRe." 

Star was obviously annoyed by their siblings' decisions and that was apparent to everyone. So they made a risky decision. 

"Fine, we trust you," King replied. "But we swear if this is a trick-" 

"Yeah yeah I know I'll be thrown into the deepest darkest pit in all the galaxies. I've already been threatened by Collie and I promise I'm here to help." Star put up one hand as if swearing an oath. 


"So uh... How exactly are we uh... supposed to get to the stars???" Gus asked breaking the silence. 

"Oh, easy. All I have to do is create a pathway up there." Star shrugged as if it was something they did on a daily basis. 

"Well, what are we waiting for!?" King said with a bit of aggression in his voice. 

"Let's go save my best friend." 

Dun du DUNnNn
Cliffhangers >:3

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