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-Jungwon POV -

I wandered, how would my life be !!? If any of this happened, for the past few years of my life, all i ever thought about is what if. What if my mom never cheated!? What if dad never found out!? What if they never got into that fight!? What if he didn't say what he said and what if she never left!? What if he just forgave her and forgot about it!? Would my life be different!?

The WHAT IFs in my life are so many that i even forgot who i am, since that day i've lost many things, my smile, my dreams, my happiness and my life, simply i've lost ME, for my entire life i've been looking for an answer to all the what ifs but i couldn't find one, now i'm wandering if non of that really happened would my life be different!? I don't think so, i don't think i believe in destiny but i'm sure all of that happened to me for a reason.

but what is it!? What's to most convincing reason for what happened to me!? Those two questions kept repeating itself inside my head as i watched her smiling, giggling, jumping in happiness because of one ball she put in the basket, what kind of felling is this!? And why did my entire life flashed in front of my eyes in a second!? Is she the Reason I've been looking for!? Cause technically she wouldn't have been here if my WHAT IFs were true, God how i wish she really meant every word.

- author POV -
- four days ago -

"so you just grabbed her phone and took a selfie!?" Jake asked with confused face and Jungwon who was walking beside him putting his hand in his pocket just nodded while smiling and looking down. "wah— you're really such an jerk!!"  jake said and Jungwon gave him a confused look. "that's too much don't you think!?" he said and Jake just shook his head. "no, i mean it, the girl was filming you and she probably likes you, she probably thinks that you're a playboy or a fuckboy who would do anything to get a girl, good job my friend you just messed it up" Jake said putting his hand on his shoulder and Jungwon just rolled his eyes. "anyways, see you later, i have to go back home early tonight, dad wants to tell me something" Jungwon said changing the topic, Jake just nodded then walked towards his sport car, Jungwon just stood there watching his friend driving away, he then released a sight wearing his hamlet.

- few minutes later -
- Yang's house -

Jungwon opened the door walking in towards the living room, but he didn't see anyone, he walked upstairs towards his father's house office, he took a deep breath before he knock the door, after few seconds he heard his father telling him to go in, he slowly opened the door and walked in.

"you wanted to tell me something!?" Jungwon asked tge middel aged man that was sitting on his desk. "yep, sit down first" the father said as he nodded and Jungwon did what he was told. "Jungwon—aah, i want to tell you something, to be honest, i wanted to do it a long time ago but i didn't get the chance" mr Yang started the conversation, you can tell by the look in hid eyes and the scoffs in his voice how nervous he was, Jungwon notixed it too, the tone that was filled with nervousness, guilt, fear and sadness, Hearing what his father just said he looked down his lap releasing a sight as he already knew what he was gonna say, in fact he knew it a long time ago, it wasn't that hard to notice anyways, his actions revealed everything, but he kept it to himself, even through it hurt him so bad he kept it to himself, he played fool just to see how far can his father go into this, how much time he can hide it.

He released a slight smile then looked back up at his father. "did you propose!?" Jungwon  asked and the father's eyes winded in shock. "yo— you know!? H—how!?" the nervously asked and Jungwon took a deep breath crossing his hands. "you're not that good at hiding secrets, you really thought i would believe that You spent the night in the company!? And you suck at lying by the way" Jungwon replied with a smile, the father just teleased a sight looking down with regret. "s—so you're not mad!?" the father asked. "No, why would i!? You don't stop from having relationships why would i!? Not like you would cancel the wedding if i said so" he answered and the father just giggled looking down while shaking his head. "anyways, i know you did for Jaewon, don't worry about me and do your thing, i'm okay with it, i'm sure Jarwon wont mind, but what about her!?" his father looked at him with confused face when he heard the last question. "who!?" the father asked confusedly. "her family, i heard she has a daughter my age, i doubt she will be okay with it" Jungwon said and the father looked down releasing another sight as he just realized how hard it will be to convince her. "ugh— i can't believe you proposed to a lady without her family knowing!!?" Jungwon said after releasing asight, he was kinda teasing and mocking him, but he stopped when he noticed the serious and desperate look in his father's eyes.

"anyways, i heard she's a student in my school, platoon B, i'll take care of that, you can just focus on the wedding's preparations" Jungwon said standing up crossing his hands, his father looked up at him with a shocked face. "what!?" he asked. "what do you mean what!? I said i'll take care if that, I'll convince her, not sure if that will be easy but i'll do my best, you two are going on a trip for the weddings preparations right!?" Jungwon asked and the father slowly nodded, "when!?" Jungwon asked again. "after a week" the father answered. "and when you'll come back!?" he asked. "it will take over two months" the father answered one more time, Jungwon nodded then talked again. "okay, i'll take care of Jaewon and things here, don't think about it" he said then turned around walking towards the door leaving his father who was still looking at the ground processing what just happened, he kept this secret for a long time because he thought that Jungwon won't understand, be he was totally wrong, He can't be more understanding.

Before Jungwon opens the door he called him. "Jungwon—aah" he called and Jungwon turned back still holding the door's handed faced him. "thank you.... for understanding" the father thanked and Jungwon just nodded with a smile, he then walked out the office closing the door.

As soon as he closed it the smile faded revealing an expressionless face, he was looking at the ground with broken, sad and regretful eyes, he released a sight then started walking towards his room.

** to be
Continued **

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