Chapter 9: Plans for the Future

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A dark colored transport ship is seen traveling through Hyperspace which the transport ship is used by the Inquisitorious known as the Scythe.

A dark colored transport ship is seen traveling through Hyperspace which the transport ship is used by the Inquisitorious known as the Scythe

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- Inquisitor Transport Ship Aka the Scythe

Inside the Scythe, the Grand Inquisitor is seen meditating with his lightsaber floating in the air into different pieces as he struggles to reform his lightsaber.

Grand Inquisitor begin to hear echoes through the force but unsure of where it is happening or when it is happening.

????: "Kenobi!"

????: "What happens now, happens to the both of us."

????: "A planet Killer!"

????: "My stardust."

????: "You May fire when ready."

????: "Trust the Force Luke."

????: "The son of Anakin Skywalker lives."

????: "I am your father."

????: "I'm a Jedi...Like my father before me."

????: "Long live the Empire."

Then The Grand Inquisitor eyes open with his eyes glowing yellow brightly before seeing 1st Sister look at him worriedly.

Then The Grand Inquisitor eyes open with his eyes glowing yellow brightly before seeing 1st Sister look at him worriedly

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- 1st Sister

1st Sister: "Are you okay Grand Inquisitor."

Grand Inquisitor: "Why wouldn't I be?"

Before 1st Sister answer, Grand Inquisitor looks around seeing his lightsaber in pieces before using the force to reassemble it quickly.

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