Chapter 10: End of the Rebellion

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The 7th Fleet is seen in orbit over the planet Lothal, and a ship nearing the planet's orbit which was the Inquisitorius transport ship, the Scythe.

After the Scythe received access to land near the Imperial, which is also known as an Imperial Command Center, which was constructed in the center of Lothal capital city.

After the Scythe received access to land near the Imperial, which is also known as an Imperial Command Center, which was constructed in the center of Lothal capital city

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After the Scythe had landed, and its ramp is deployed. A squad of six phase-2 Purge Troopers departing first, then followed by Grand Inquisitor, 1st Sister and 

The Inquisitor were met by an Imperial officer, who sent to escort them to the detention center of the Imperial Complex.

Imperial Officer: "Greetings Grand Inquisitor."

Grand Inquisitor: "Enough of pleasantry, Lieutenant, we are here on important matters."

Grand Inquisitor walked past the Imperial Officer who was left nervous when dealing the Inquisitor since this new Inquisitor has reputation differently to the late Grand Inquisitor to being colder and calculating but mainly looks down on the imperial officers.

 Imperial Officer: (Nervous) "Of course Grand Inquisitor."

After a short time passes, they reach the personal office of Grand Admiral Thrawn, which the Imperial officer excuses himself and the Inquisitor pair enters the room. 

Grand Inquisitor see Grand Admiral Thrawn, 7th Brother, Govern Pryce and a hologram of Grand Moff Tarkin having a conversation. But 7th Brother had seen the arrival of Grand Inquisitor and immediately kneeled in respect which surprise the imperial officer.

 But 7th Brother had seen the arrival of Grand Inquisitor and immediately kneeled in respect which surprise the imperial officer

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- 7th Brother

7th Brother: "Grand Inquisitor."

Grand Inquisitor: "Arise 7th Brother, Greeting Grand Admiral Thrawn, Govern Pryce and Grand Moff Tarkin."

Govern Pryce: "You grace with your presence Grand Inquisitor."

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