Chapter 21: Rebels on the Run

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In the Outer Rim, Darth Vader personal Flagship the Devastator is seen cruising through space while inside, the Grand Inquisitor is seen kneeling before Darth Vader, hours after the Battle of Scarif.

Grand Inquisitor: "Tarkin is a fool and short minded. The use of the Death Star on Scarif was not needed, we had the rebel beaten and defeated."

Darth Vader: "And yet, the rebels were able to transmit to the rebel flagship."

Grand Inquisitor: "But how were they able to breach the Tower?"

Darth Vader: "It seems Galen Erso has compromised the Death Star and in Director Krennic failure, we must clean up his failures so the Emperor plans are not disrupted."

Grand Inquisitor: "The Inquisitorius is your to use as you see fit, my Master."

Darth Vader: "Meet with the other Inquisitor, brief them that the Rebellion has become priority. Suspend all missions and must be redirected to all fronts dealing with Rebel forces to wipe them out of the galaxy."

Grand Inquisitor: "It will be done my Master."

Then both Darth Vader and Grand Inquisitor conversation was interrupted by Captain Shaef Corssin, who is currently on the bridge of the ship. 

Captain Shaef: (Audible) "Lord Vader."

Darth Vader: "This must be important to interrupt me, Captain."

Captain Shaef: (Audible) "Milord, we've have been able to intercept the fleeing starship near Tatooine."

Darth Vader: "Good, press the attack, Captain. Disable the ship and prepare a boarding party."

Captain Shaef: (Audible) "It shall be done, milord."

In space over the planet of Tatooine, a blockade runner also known as a Tantive iv is seen attempting to escape the chasing Imperial 1-Class Star Destroyer.

In space over the planet of Tatooine, a blockade runner also known as a Tantive iv is seen attempting to escape the chasing Imperial 1-Class Star Destroyer

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Darth Vader: "Once the ship is disable and capture, you shall board the ship and retrieve the stolen plans, is that understood."

Grand Inquisitor: "It shall be done, my Master."

Once the Tantive iv was disable and was pulled into the Imperial 1-Class Star Destroyer lower Hanger Bay by its tractor beam.

In the lower Hanger Bay, Grand Inquisitor is seen walking towards the platoon of Stormtroopers with two Purge Trooper, as the Tantive iv is docked.

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