chapter 10

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Warning: long chapter.ignore any mistake because it is so big to be rechecked and im lazy af ....enjoy hehe..

Hyunjin smashed the door and come running to his friend who was now lying on the bed while holding his head .
"Hyun I can't take this pain anymore."
"Relax jisung tell me where you have put your medicines?"hyunjin said concerned and panicking.
"In my suitcase in the grey box."
Hearing this hyunjin ran downstairs as he has just brought their luggage from hotel.
He came running and minho has prepared a glass of water and they gave medicine to jisung.
"It will get better soon ji."said hyunjin.
Jisung was now getting sleepy by the effect of medicine and has relaxed as his pain lessen.
"What was that hyunijn, what suddenly happened to him , his head suddenly started hurting."said minho.
"He is getting his memory views again and that's why his head is hurting , but it will get better soon."
"Did he used to get this type of pain in past too."
"That used to be even wrose than this."
A tear rolled down his cheek which he was holding for many time.
"It's all because of me , I'm the reason he have to go through all of this."he said hitting himself. Hyunjin stopped him.
"It isn't your fault , things written In destiny will happen no matter what and we all have to accept our destiny."
He comforted minho for some moment and than minho went downstairs to find his parents who were not their.
In the mean time hyunjin got a call from felix which he answered while sitting next to jisung.
"Hyunjin come to sunshine cafe I have prepared something for you."
"Sorry lix bur I can't come."
"Why ? I planned a date for us ."he can feel a pout formed on felix's face.
"I can't come , jisung isn't feeling well so I have to stay here."
"What happened to hyung!?"
"He is having a headache and it got wrose so much so I have to stay here."
"I'm also coming okay."
"Hmm" hyunjin disconnected the call and jisung spoke up.

"Who was it?"
"Ohh you are awake how are you feeling now?"
"Answer me hyun."
"It was lix."
" he planned a date for you and you refused hmm?"
"But jisung how can I leave you when you're not okay?"
"I'm okay now and I don't want to be the reason for my friend's date being canceled and you're going."
"But ji-"
Before hyunjin can say anything he called felix and said that hyunjin and felix will not cancel their date and made up felix to stay their till hyunjin come.
"Now go and minho hyung is here , he can take care of me."
"Ohh jisung you're awake now, how you're feeling now, better ?"minho said who was standing near to the door while coming near to jisung.
" minho tell hyunjjn to go on a date with felix , he is refusing as he wanted to take care of me tell him you are here to take care of me."
"Yehhh hyjniin I'm here to take care of jisung you can go."
After awhile of talking with hjunjin he aggred to go and now minho and jisung were alone .

" jisung you can take a bath till then I will make breakfast for you."minho said smiling.
" You can cook hyung?"
minho blushed a little when jisung called him hyung its mot like he hasn't called him hyung in past but hearing it again after years melt his heart.
"Yes."he said smiling.
"You're so talented hyung , I can't even make simple breakfast for me."jisung said rubbing his neck and nervously laughing.
"OK now go and take a bath."
And with this jisu g went to bathroom and minho to kitchen.

After 15 min jissung came out of bathroom to see minho setting breakfast for jisung on bed on a small table.
"Thanks hyung."jisung said smiling.
"No need to say thanks now come and eat what I have made for you."
Jisung started eating and he put some food on spoon and take it near to minho.
"What?"minho said .
"Eat it hyung."
"No , you can eat I'm not hungry. "
"Hyung please."he said with puppy eyes.
Who can resist jisungs puppy eyes.

Minho was admiring his baby while eating his food.
"You look cute and you have gotten even more cute over these years. Sorry jisung for letting you go through this all alone"he get out of his thoughts by jisung calling him.
"Hyung are you here or somewhere else."he said confusingly .
"Ohh sorry jisung , I was just lost on my thoughts."
"Where are you going jisung? "
"To kitchen"
" for what?"
"To put these dishes in sink."
"I'll do it for you , you rest jisung."
" No, im going to do it otherwise I will
think you don't care about me."
"I can't win over you baby."minho thought.

After some time they were talking and jisung said
"Hyung , how come I don't know about you? when i knew about uncle , aunt and felix."
"It's complicated jisung."
"Huhh.. I didn't understand hyung."
"Jisung let's talk about something else."
Seeing minho was not comfortable with this topic jisung decide to ask something else.
"So what you started a jewellery company?"lino asked curiously.
"Umm after graduation dad asked me if I wanted to take over his company but I have already planned about everything and me and hyunjin both started this company. But there was another reason if you don't know but after highschool I got into an accident and hyunjin told me that I woke up after days. My life was so miserable after that incident. I would get views of someone like today in morning and than my head will hurt so bad. The only thing I remember nicley is I promised someone to give them a ring with the most rarest stone in it and that's the reason I started my own jewellery company."
"Ohh."minho tried to sound normal as he was holding his tears because he is the person to whom jisung has promised that thing.
"You know sometime si just want to find that person."
"Jisung leave everything in past and live in future , what If that person have to be your past."
"BTW hyung do you have any special person?"jisung asked.
"Yes but he don't remember me now , I m-is-s him ti-ll now." And saying this he can't hold his tears anymore and started crying.
Suddenly jisung hugged him he wa surprised for a moment but then hugged him back. He felt heaven in his arms.
After sometime jisung got a call and he pick it up . After the phone was disconnected he said to minho.
"Hyung I have to tomorrow, there are some problems our secretaries are facing and we have to finish thos problems."

"Ohh.. it's okay in last all we have to do is work."he said a little laughing through his pain.
Jisung stand up from bed and started walking while looking into his phone but he stumbled intomthe carpet and fall on ground but minho was fast to catch him and they both ended up on bed when jisung on top of minho.

This time jisung's head hurted so much that he screamed and hyunjin came running upstairs with felix who were just home from their date.
"Jisung .. jisung .."huunjin said but jisung was unconscious till now.
"Hyunjin what happened to him."minho said crying.
"Minho call doctor."
This time jisung was in his room instead of minho's.
They told doctor about jisung's situation and doctor said that two things can happene first je can remember everything and second he can wrosen his mental state. He isngeetihg all thse views and pain because of minho as minho is the only person he doesn't remember.
In night at dinner table jisung came to ear with everyone.
" jisung ar enough okay now?"Mr.lee asked.
" yes uncle." He answered smiling.
"Jisung our flight is tomorrow in early morning so wake up early we must drive from here at 5 a.m."hyunjin said.
" do you guys have to leave this early." Mrs.lee said.
"Sorry aunt but we will come soon to meet you guys soon."jisung said smiling.


Longest chapter of this book and this book will end soon like if I will write long chapter slike this it will end in 3 chapters but let's see until then enjoy the story.

Btw did you guys listened to WANT SO BAD by minsung .
I was dead.

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