Chapter 03 - THE PAST

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Hello, here we go. Enjoy reading and let me know what you think. 



Gina told her that she thought her behaviour stupid, that it was childish and unnecessary, but Leanne had made up her mind, so as the boys finally joined them, Leanne was already buried under a tone of blankets and surrounded by pillows in the middle of the bed, looking way younger and even innocent without makeup and with messy hair, eyes firmly shut while she pretended to be asleep.

Max had to stop himself from rolling his eyes as he got his pyjama pants, he normally changed into and after considering it for a moment and sharing a look with Gina, he got a plain old black shirt rather than sleeping without one as he normally would. The German girl gave him an apologising look, for what, Max wasn't sure.

Walking into the bathroom to brush his teeth and change, Max came back only to see that Josh had climbed into bed next to Gina. They were quietly talking to each other, while Max stored his clothes away and climbed into bed with Leanne. Facing away from her and keeping his distance, Max turned off the light on their side of the room and after a light exhale of air, he closed his eyes and tried to sleep.


Max woke upon feeling too warm suddenly, only to find the cause had nestled her head on his chest and had thrown on of her arms over his torso. It was still dark outside, but the moon shone which allowed Max to see Leanne's silhouette. Her perfectly manicured white painted fingernails were resting right over his right nipple which was just covered by the thin fabric of his shirt, while their legs were intervened. Looking down, he realised that the blanket had slid down, which revealed Leanne's short innocent white pyjamas.

Lifting his head a little, he tried to see Gina and Josh on the couch bed. They both seemed to be deeply asleep, turned away from each other, while he had a hand full of a very attractive when also annoying Dutch woman. Swallowing slowly, Max tried to close his eyes again. Willing himself to sleep.

This girl was the daughter of his father's best friend, someone he saw every day at school, shared a desk with and he was just thinking so wrongly about her now. He was disgusting. That was not the way his mother had raised him. From now on he had only platonic thoughts about Leanne. This was normal. Just two people, school friends cuddling. Nothing sexual about it. Just that they were no friends.

And it worked, until Max decided that he looked like an idiot with the hand which had held Leanne to his body in his sleep raised so he wouldn't touch her again. I mean, come on, Leanne has her hands in whole other places, so Max was allowed to touch the naked skin of her shoulder so his hand wouldn't go numb. That was totally okay. What he was not prepared for was that Leanne could snuggle up to him even closer while making these sounds.

God, this girl was even in her sleep a tease. Was that some kind of her plan? No, not even Leanne Van der Verden was that cunning. Max was sure this wasn't a game right now. Not after seeing Gina's reaction to Leanne's quick leaving of the dinner table.

Moving his right hand to pull the blanket more over Leanne, he saw that Josh was laying very close to Gina now, holding onto her hand, which caused Max to smile softly, before he nuzzled into Leanne's hair and tried his best to fall asleep as well. Tomorrow would be one hell of a day if they going to wake up like Max just did.

Max was already drifting off, as he felt Leanne move. The Dutch girl moved to sit up unaware that Max was watching her only to cradle her arm to her chest. Gently stroking over it. The Dutchman guessed it must have gone numb from the way Leanne had slept on it. Holding her arms still to her chest, she moved a little bit more up, so she could see herself in the mirror which was hanging over a little table on the opposite side of the bed.

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