Chapter 09 - THE PRESENT

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You can't really think that!" Checo exclaimed over the loud music. He had to lean into Isa, so they could speak with each other, but it was great fun. Checo was leaning against the bar, while Isa sat on one of the barstools in front of him, not paying much attention to the other people in the club. Isa was sure she had seen her sister, Max, Daniel, Charles and Pierre somewhere in the club, but her attention was fully on the Mexican in front of her.

"But I do!" She called back. Discussing with Checo, that men were stupid was far more fun than she thought it ever could be.

"For example. Tinkerbell was always there for Peter. But Peter ... the little fucker. Well, he chose Wendy." Isa was so proud of herself for this expression of her thoughts and expected Checo not to comment further, but Checo was not like most men.

"First, we don't even know if Tinkerbell liked Peter in that way and second, she was a fairy. I'm not sure that would have even worked out. I mean physically. How would they do anything?" Checo questioned, as he raised the bottle of tequila before pouring himself a shot.

"Shut up," the other replied, snatching the bottle back. Checo could already see the alcohol taking its toll on the younger of the two, exhaustion and most likely lack of food making her lose all of her tolerance. Deciding that he couldn't deal with a drunk Isa sober, Checo gulped down another shot. He was a lightweight and could already feel himself getting buzzed.

Isa mumbled something incoherent, standing up and walking over to the main part of the bar. She ordered some weirdly coloured cocktails, but Checo didn't mind. He knew that drunkish Isa didn't either.

"So, you made up?" Max asked as he leaned against the bar right next to Leanne, while ordering himself a well-deserved drink after his win.

"How would you know?" Leanne wondered, while she turned in her seat, so she would be able to look at Max.

"Checo told me. Said something about you coming to them begging for their forgiveness. The only thing that was missing was you dropping to your knees." Max told her, only for Leanne's expression to change from a normal and neutral one to one of someone deeply offended. The younger Dutch got up from her barstool and was about to storm off, but Max got hold of her elbow and pulled her back.

"I'm joking." He told her. "Checo just said that you came knocking and that we're all now going out because you made up." The Dutchman added.

"No need to be offended." He promised her, causing Leanne to pull her arm away, so Max couldn't hold on to her elbow any longer.

"Come on, it was one joke, what's that face for now? You can take a joke." Max spoke as the expression on Leanne's face did not disappear.

He looked away from her for a moment, receiving his beer and thanking the bartender, before looking over at Leanne once more, who had this expression in her eyes, he knew it was nothing good.

"How about I tell you a joke and we see if you think it's funny." Leanne said. "You will be just like your father." She added, which caused Max's jaw to tighten.

"I'm not sure about these insults you call jokes." Leanne told him. "I thought I didn't like them, but mine was actually funny, no?"

"You can stop now, I got it." Max interrupted her before she could be cruel once more.

"Did you? I mean I'm sure I can think of another joke." She mentioned, only for Max to take a sip from his beer.

"Sometimes I don't know why I even talk to you." He let her know, which only fuelled Leanne.

She was angered by Isa, by her making her apologise in front of Checo and she was so unbelievable tried of fighting with her sister, of not having a single person on her side. Max was just in the way now. Collateral damage.

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