Chapter 14~ I'm sorry

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Fern winced as a sharp pain went shooting up her tail and back leg. She opened her eyes quickly, heart pounding.
It was almost dark, and the roaring of monsters had slowed. She stood shakily. Her broken front leg started to hurt again, and her back leg felt like a fox was trying to tare it off. And her tail was hurting too.

She glanced at her surroundings. She saw a black and white bundle of fur on the side of the thunderpath, and she hopped over to it.
"No, no!" She cried. "Moon! Why?" She placed her muzzle on the she-cat. She was cold. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

But it wasn't useful to just sit there. Moon would want her to continue. But it hurt. Everywhere.
She pulled the dead cat off the side of the road and hulled her to a bush. She took shelter underneath it as it got colder and darker, and her fur fluffed up to keep herself warm.
She fell asleep slowly, thinking of the poor black and white she-cat.

Fern blinked awake. She felt drained, but she knew that she must keep going. She got up and stretched. She knew that she should bury Moon, but she wasn't strong enough. She could put weight on her back paw still, so it wasn't broken, but she could hardly put any weight on her front paw. She could feel that the bone was out of place again.

But she couldn't do anything about that now. She started padding down the side of a gravel road, heart light. She might make it to her family today.

Fern spun around to face a beautiful ragdoll she-cat with bright blue crossed eyes.
"You look familiar." She continued. "And your front leg doesn't look very good. Would you like me to help you?"

Fern nodded. She'd gone through so much these last few moons that she didn't care who she could trust.
"Are you okay? What's wrong?"
"I-" Fern shook her head.
"I'm Flora, by the way." She meowed. "And you look like Snowshoe's missing daughter."

I'm stuck in all my other books at the moment, but writer's block won't last long. I hope.

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