Emergency Temporal shift

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Summary: Nyssa and Adric find an Energy draining alien the TARDIS is dead and The Doctor and Phoebe send their friends to different points in time.

"It's so cold down here"Nyssa Said

"Yes i Wonder why?" Adric Said

Suddenly the alien grabbed both Nyssa and Adric and started to drain them The Doctor Phoebe and Tegan found them.

"Doctor I found there down here come quick" Phoebe said

"Adric Nyssa you all right?" The Doctor asked

"We're so cold" Adric said

"Here borrow my jacket" Phoebe said

Phoebe took her jacket and handed to Nyssa and Adric.

"Can you walk?" Tegan asked

"We can't the alien drained us but stopped us walking and kept us alive to bring you here" Nyssa explained

"Come on you two up you get" Phoebe said

Phoebe pulled Nyssa up and put her arm around her to help her walk and Tegan picked Adric with her drunk passage training.

"I think there is only thing to do" The Doctor said

"And that would run Adric Nyssa Are tit okay to move" Phoebe said

"Yes I think so" Nyssa said

They all ran back to the TARDIS but at the Doctor put the key in to open the doors it was Stuck.

"The key stuck" The Doctor said

"That's odd"Phoebe said

"It picks now to get stuck" Tegan said

"There we go it working again now everyone push the doors" The Doctor said

They pushed the doors open but when the entered the TARDIS she had been drained.

"Its so dark in here" Nyssa said

"Okay this has never happened before the TARDIS has been drained that not possible" Phoebe said

"Well yeah whatever has done mush have enormous power" The Doctor said

"Doctor we have to these three safe and I know how to do it emergency temporal shift there is just enough power left" Phoebe said

"Yes there is good idea Phoebe grab the copper wire" The Doctor said

Phoebe open the roundal with the copper wire of the Doctor knew Phoebe was right this was becoming two dangerous for their friends.

"Got the copper wire let's go outside" Phoebe said

"With the creature still outside" Tegan said

"I admit it not ideal but it the best chance we have" The Doctor said

"It very dangerous to set an induction loop inside a Time Machine" Adric Said

"Yeah Adric right we have to this outside" Phoebe said

The Doctor and Phoebe set the loop up also Phoebe got K9 she wanted him to go with them to recharge as he been drained of power.

"Ready to go you three plus K9 in the loop please and stay in the loop"The Doctor said

"We want you safe we will deal with this creature you have K9 look after him" Phoebe said

"Your guys are not coming with us" Nyssa asked

"No unfortunately not we can't you guys are a bunch of children please do what we say" The Doctor said

While Phoebe and The Doctor were setting up to start the loop Tegan stuck behind the TARDIS she wanted to stay behind.

Phoebe was use to danger so that why the Doctor didn't sent her with them.

"We done it I can't believe that worked" The Doctor said

"Children hey did you two have a plan" Tegan said

"Tegan we told you to go you would have been safe" Phoebe said

"We had part of a plan you would have been safe it's too dangerous for you guys" The Doctor said

"Actually we will come up with a plan together" Tegan said

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