The TARDIS team reunite

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Summary: As The Doctor and Phoebe pick up Nyssa then Adric

First off was to get Nyssa for the Doctor Phoebe and Tegan it was only 3 days since they saw Nyssa but for Nyssa it had been 4 weeks.

The TARDIS landed outside Rache house where Nyssa had been staying Phoebe walked out of the TARDIS to get Nyssa she was waiting for them.

"Hi Nyssa Sorry we were so long" Phoebe said

"It's okay i had a great time with your friend Rache" Nyssa Said

"Thank you so much Rache for looking after Nyssa honestly I can't thank you enough" Phoebe said

"It no problem I have enjoyed having a house guest again" Rache said

"Well thanks again and sorry I can't stay longer see you soon" Phoebe said

"Bye Nyssa bye Phoebe" Rache said

And that was that Phoebe bid her final farewell to Rache as she a Nyssa walked back to the TARDIS.

"Welcome back Nyssa" The Doctor Said

"It's good to see you Nyssa" Tegan said

"You too Tegan where we you" Nyssa asked

"She decided to stay with us rather then get safe" The Doctor said

"Where's Adric?" Nyssa asked

"We're on way to get him he's with my brother of all places early 21st century please Doctor" Phoebe said

"Okay on our way" The Doctor said

They landed outside Mick's house.

"I go Doctor he's my brother I not seen him in awhile I won't be staying long but I will got get Adric" Phoebe said

"Yes of course" The Doctor said

I had been the same amount of time for Adric a month Phoebe had a key to her brother house so let herself in.

"Hey Mick sorry I let myself in" Phoebe said

"Hey Phoebe Adric is here want some tea" Mick asked

"No I'm afraid this is just a flying visit just came to pick up Adric before taking off again thanks for looking after him" Phoebe said

"It's no problem it was nice having a house guest" Mick said

"Adric it's time to go" Phoebe said

"Coming" Adric said

Adric came down the stairs to greet by Phoebe.

"Hey Phoebe" Adric said

"Come on the TARDIS is outside we need to get going come on thanks Mick see you soon" Phoebe said

"Sure of course bye sis bye Adric" Mick said

The two of them hugged each other before Phoebe and Adric left abs walked back to the TARDIS.

"Welcome Back" The Doctor Said

"It good to be back" Adric said

"Well I have an idea on how to stop Sabaoth" Phoebe said

"Care to share" The Doctor asked

"Well I will later first we need to go to Gallifrey I need to get something" Phoebe said

"Okay Gallifrey it is" The Doctor said

Phoebe had a plan she didn't reveal the plan yet but with the TARDIS team reunited she had something up her sleeve.

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