15th Century

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Summary: Nyssa and K9 end up in the 15th century Nyssa meets an Friend of Phoebe's and offers her a place to stay until The Doctor and Phoebe come.

Nyssa Teleported into the 15th century with K9 left to fend for herself until Phoebe and The Doctor could get to her.

She still had Phoebe's Jacket on a lady that Phoebe knew approached her.

"Hello who are you" The lady asked

"I'm Nyssa and you are" Nyssa said

"I'm Rache I'm a friend of Phoebe's she told me you might be coming I have a place you can stay" Rache said

"Thank you know Phoebe?" Nyssa asked

"Oh when she came here a long time ago she healed my husband she gave me a phone and text to tell me you and her K9 would be coming or possibly land here" Rache said

"Oh right" Nyssa Said

"This is my house you can stay in the guest room this is Richie my husband and our housekeeper Matthew" Rache said

"Hello I'm Nyssa" Nyssa Said

"Matthew would you show my guest to her quarters I accept she must be tried" Rache said

"Of course Ma'am this way Nyssa" Matthew said

Matthew showed Nyssa to her quarters she Feld pleased she was made so welcome.

"K9 Will Phoebe be okay" Nyssa asked

"I'm sure The Master and the Mistress will be fine the Mistress ordered me to protect you" K9 replied

"Do you know where Adric and Tegan are" Nyssa asked

"Negative I don't have that capability" K9 said

Where ever Adric had landed Nyssa though he would be fine Nyssa fell asleep for a few hours then it was dinner time.

Matthew knocked on the door.

"Come in" Nyssa Said

"Miss Nyssa dinner is ready in the drawing room" Matthew said

"On my way Rache had me feel so welcome" Nyssa said

"Well she doing a favour for your friend she owns her after all Phoebe did save Richie" Matthew said

"Yes so she told me Phoebe a great Medic I have seen her in action I glad she was able to save Richie" Nyssa said

"Yea we are all very greatful and own her a lot" Matthew said

Meanwhile back in the 17th Century

While Nyssa was having the time of her life with Phoebe's friend The Doctor Phoebe and Tegan where still exploring the catacombs.

Tegan was throwing stones because she was board.

"Tegan will you please stop throwing stones" The Doctor asked

"But I'm board there's nothing to do" Tegan said

"Yes there is" The Doctor said

"Like what?" Tegan asked

"Like thinking I'm trying to do some and Phoebe is to and your not helping" The Doctor said

"I though you had a plan" Tegan said

"We do well half plan okay we don't have a plan yet but we will" Phoebe said

"As the alien gone?" Tegan asked

"It eaten an entire TARDIS it probably has indigestion" The Doctor said

"She will recharge in time so all we have to do is wait for her to recharge but that could take centuries" Phoebe said

"Right" Tegan said

"Wait Tegan are you all right you didn't asked for an explanation" The Doctor said

"I'm feeling a bit tried actually i think I might just sit down for awhile" Tegan said

"Wait get up it feeding on you come on get you got to keep walking lean on us" The Doctor said

"But I don't want to keep walking" Tegan said

"For once you not going to get you own way why didn't you tell us earlier" The Doctor said

"I didn't want to make a fuss" Tegan said

"Oh you must be ill" The Doctor said

"Hey" Tegan said

"There we go a bit of fighting sprit" Phoebe said

Both and The Doctor where helping Tegan to stand up she was not allowed to sit down.

"I wonder what happened to the others?" Tegan asked

"I'm sure wherever they ended I have a small feeling they are having the time of there life" Phoebe said

Knowing full well where Nyssa because her friend had messaged her back say Nyssa was safe and well.

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