Early 21st century

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Summary: Adric Lands in the Early 21st Century and meets Phoebe's brother who takes him in for a few days.

Emergency Temporal shift send Adric to the early 21st century Phoebe had warned her brother that Adric might landed on the 21st century.

"Hi I'm Mick I'm Phoebe's brother and you are" Mick said

"I'm Adric Phoebe's friend" Adric Said

"She sent me a message to let me know you would be possible coming she asked me to look after you so I'm taking you back to mine" Mick said

Adric followed Mick to his and Mick drove them to his house it was a three bed house he lived alone.

"This is the guest room my sisters room is Nextdoor I had made for her in case she visits" Mick said

"Thanks for this" Adric Said

"Look in doing my sister a favour because I love her I get dinner started" Mick said

Mick got dinner started he was a good cook Phoebe did she him when sh could it just travelling never really left much time.


Tegan was getting weaker how she was practically holding on to Phoebe.

"Come on Tegan" The Doctor said

"Doctor please let me have a rest" Tegan said

"No walking is good for the mind" The Doctor said

"He's right Tegan just keep leaning on me for support the alien has not started to drain me yet" Phoebe said

"Look what ever the alien it needs energy that what it feeds on" The Doctor said

"Yeah but Doctor I never even heard of an alien who can drain energy from people let alone a TARDIS" Phoebe said

"Well if we don't stop it it will forever feed on people" The Doctor said

"Hang on are you saying that those mushed up bones Tegan stood in were human?" Phoebe asked

"Yes I am" The Doctor said

"That gross" Tegan said

Back in the 21st century

Adric had learnt more about Phoebe and why she was in contact with her brother he searched for her for years but they found each other again when Cybermen stalked him.

"It was happened a few years ago I questioned Mum and Dad about and they said they gave her up because she was too much to handle I of course could not believe this so I moved out and made it my mission to find my little sister" Mick said

"You know she is doing really well she is a world class intergalactic medic and very intelligent" Adric said

"Yeah i know I do see her when I can and she texts me as well I have the Doctor to thank he raised her and he loves her I'm so thankful for he has done for her" Mick said

"Do you have library around here" Adric asked

"Yes in town why?" Mick asked

"I want to see if they history from the 17th catacombs about The Doctor and Phoebe" Adric said

Mick was a bit confused but then he realised he had read reports of Phoebe and The Doctor in different points in history so it couldn't of been that far fetched.

For some reason The Doctor and Phoebe seem to always pop up in the history of the Earth it was either a blue Poilce box was mentioned or two mysterious strangers from another world Mick got out all his history books and showed Adric.


While Adric was having fun in the early 21st century Nyssa was having a great time with Phoebe's friend Rache.

It was a brand new day and Rache had invited Nyssa for breakfast as her guest of course.

"Miss Nyssa Mistress Rache has got breakfast ready in the drawing room and ask for you to join her at you earliest convenience" Matthew said

"Okay I'm on my way" Nyssa said

"Mistress Nyssa take some as well my orders were to protect" K9 said

"Okay come on K9" Nyssa said

Nyssa and K9 when to the drawing room to sit down for breakfast it seems that both Adric and Nyssa had landed on there feet.

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