Not giving up

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Summary: as the alien drains Phoebe she is not giving up and The Doctor plans for the future.

As a medic Phoebe had lots of technology Sabaoth was draining Phoebe Protention vest she made it awhile it protected her all sorts of things.

And right now thats what Sabaoth was draining she had out smarted it the minute it started draining her she switched it on she deliberately decided to turn the forcefield on because she knew the alien would drain the forcefield first before drain the rest of the energy from the vest.

With Tegan recovering in the stasis chamber it gave Phoebe and The Doctor time to think.

"You okay Phoebe" The Doctor asked

"Yes I'm fine still strong I don't give up easily" Phoebe said

"Yes I do that what I love about you" The Doctor said

"Look I have something to tell you I'm wearing my protection vest I don't normally have it on but I'm so glad I do right now he's now draining me yet I figured he likes energy well let's see how much energy he can take with this vest then me" Phoebe said

"Oh you sneaky little vixen" The Doctor said

"As always I'm one step ahead" Phoebe said

"Any idea on how we deal with him?" the Doctor asked

"No but we know he likes energy so we can use that like you always taught me used your enemies power against them" Phoebe said

The Doctor and Phoebe had no idea how long they had been in the catacombs it could have been days or weeks.

However it have Phoebe and The Doctor time to come with a plan Sabaoth had drained the force field of Phoebe's vest which now meant he was draining the rest of the power of the vest.

"Well Doctor he drain the force field on the vest they 5 hours worth of power left in this thing before he beings to drain me" Phoebe said

"Well you bought us a few hours so that good" The Doctor said

"Yeah well if I could talk to him I could find out what he wants" Phoebe said

"You wanted to talk to me Tegan" Sabaoth said

"Yes she was our friend but she will recover" Phoebe said

"You don't mind me talking to you" Sabaoth said

"No right you the only company myself and The Doctor have" Phoebe said

"What do you want?" the Doctor asked

"To concur Earth" Sabaoth said

"Yeah like I'm going to let that happen got are just an alien like all the others myself and The Doctor have thought but we will stop you" Phoebe said

"How?" Sabaoth asked

"Have not figured that out yet but I will" Phoebe said

"You can't defeat me I'm impossible to destroy" Sabaoth said

"You think so this hold time you thought you were draining power from me when in fact you were draining power from my protection vest I put smartest you" Phoebe said

"Never underestimate my daughter" The Doctor said

"Thank you" Phoebe said

While Phoebe continue to talk to Sabaoth he began to drain the Doctor instead of Phoebe.

"How nice trying to hurt my dad well I have news for you it's not going to work I will come up with a plan. One find out a way to stop you two get our friends back from whatever time period they in three overloaded you somehow" Phoebe said

"That's quite a list" The Doctor said

Thing is Phoebe was always one step ahead she activated her second protective vest that she handed to the Doctor and turn on the force field.

Both Phoebe and The Doctor would stop him together the vets lasted for a least 24 hours enough time for them both to make a tomb for there bodies.

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