Nyssa has some fun

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Summary: Nyssa is enjoying herself in the 15th century with Phoebe rich friend and K9 does some research.

Nyssa was in Rache garden having some lunch as it was nice day outside she knew that both The Doctor and Phoebe would collect her she just wondered when that would be.

Meanwhile K9 was in the library sorting though some books Rache had been quite poor up until she met Richie he gave her the life she wanted and now look her she lived in big house with servants.

"So Rache definitely landed on her feet?" Nyssa asked

"Yes she was very poor and came from a poor family her parents her stall sells but they didn't make much enough to put a roof over her head but they hardly made ends meet" Richie said

"So then what happened?" Nyssa asked

"Well she met your friend Phoebe before she met me and well Phoebe showed her how to live a better life she got a good job with Phoebe's help" Richie said

"And then she met you" Nyssa said

"Yes she did I loved her from the moment I saw her after a year we got married 2 years in marriage to was all going well I feel ill I was told I was going to die until Phoebe came and she healed me" Richie said

"That sounds like she a great medic and an even better friend I think she gets for the The Doctor you know" Nyssa said

"I met the Doctor that one time when I thought I was dying he said the Phoebe would fix me right up and he was right" Richie said

"So you love her" Nyssa said

"Yes I do she everything to me" Richie said

"That is so lovely my father was murdered and so was my stepmother I never knew my mother" Nyssa said

"I'm so sorry to hear that" Richie said

"Thanks Phoebe and The Doctor have been so kind I hope they are all right" Nyssa said

"I'm sure they will save just fine" Richie said

"I know what you two have been talking about and I'm sure Phoebe and The Doctor will be fine" Rache said

It was nice for Nyssa to understand Phoebe more.

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