Perfect name

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Summary: While still coming up with a plan in a series of flashbacks the Doctor explains how he choose his daughters name.

"Doctor can I ask you something?"Phoebe said

"Yes of course what is it?" The Doctor said

"How did you come with my name when you adopted me?" Phoebe asked

Flashback one

When the Doctor first took Phoebe in she had no name so he though long and hard for weeks about the perfect he wanted something that would fit.

He didn't wanted anything that sounded Alien or Gallfreyan he wanted that was just right nothing too alien but sounded like an Earth name.

Her last name was Stocks he wanted a first Middle and third name for his daughter he had a list of names he liked but didn't use.


He saw the name and though that would make a nice third name so he asked his companions for help.

"Aw there she is" Barbara said

"Any ideas what your going to call her Doctor" Ian asked

"No idea I like the name Sienna but as a third name" The Doctor said

End of flashback one

"So that how you choose my third name" Phoebe said

"You were the best thing that happened to me so your name had to be perfect after I spend a week with Greeks the name was perfect" The Doctor said

Flashback two

The Doctor had choose a third name and middle name Leigh Sienna he liked but he was struggling to pick a first name he didn't have much longer to decide he had to register her name to the intergalactic adopted agency in two weeks.

But after taking this daughter just a baby at the time to see the Greeks then the perfect name was found.

"I have finally found a name that fits my daughter Phoebe" The Doctor said

"It's perfect it suits her" Barbara said

"Yes it does grandfather she couldn't be more perfect then that" Susan said

"It means Sun in Greek and I think that is perfect for her Phoebe Leigh Sienna Stocks of Gallifrey" The Doctor said

End of flashback two

"Wow thanks for sharing I loved that name always have it perfect for me" Phoebe said

"It's why I chose it I didn't want anything that sounded alien I wanted something perfect unique, and sounded Earth based" The Doctor said

"Thank you the reason I ask is because I'm feeling weak Sabaoth is sucking my life force" Phoebe said

"Yeah it unusual for you to ask something like that" The Doctor said

"Yeah Look i know I have to keep on walking can I lean on you I was going to tell you earlier but I forgot" Phoebe said

"Yes of course come on let's get on your feet put your arm around me" The Doctor said

Phoebe put her arm around The Doctor she was now fully supported by the Doctor weight.

"I should have sent with the others" The Doctor said

"No way Doctor I actually were I need to be plus you know I'm use to danger after travelling with for so long I'm not giving up" Phoebe said

"That the fighting sprit I know" The Doctor said

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