The plan

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Summary: as Phoebe gets weaker The Doctor does everything in his power to save his daughter and come up with a plan to defeat Sabaoth.

It had to got to the point where Phoebe could not longer walk The Doctor had placed her down by the TARDIS.

"Phoebe how are you?" The Doctor asked

"Weak what I really to do is put myself in a self healing coma" Phoebe said

"Just hang tight I come with a plan" The Doctor said

"How he's impossible to defeat he feeds on energy" Phoebe said

"And that might what we can use to defeat him" The Doctor said

"What by somehow over loading him if only we could now I'm going to try and make a psychic connection with the TARDIS" Phoebe said

And with that Phoebe put herself in a self healing coma to recover now the Doctor was on his own.

"I hope you don't mind me talking to you" Sabaoth said

"Of course not your the only company I have now my daughter put herself into a self healing coma" The Doctor said

"You can't destroy me" Sabaoth said

"Well my daughter had a really good idea and I'm just as determined as she is you almost killed Tegan and then my daughter and now you are feeding on me" The Doctor said

The Doctor was without a jacket because he had given it to his daughter to keep her warm Will she recovered Phoebe had broken the connection between her and Sabaoth.

The Doctor kept walking around the catacombs because he knew what would happen he sat down as for his daughter she was recovering in the coma.

"I have to keep walking because I know what will happen is i sit down I will fall asleep and I don't want that" The Doctor said

"You will not win Doctor" Sabaoth said

"Oh yes I will my ultimate goal is to destroy the Earth" Sabaoth said

"I'm not going to let that happen" The Doctor said

"We will see about there nothing you can do to stop me" Sabaoth said

"Oh yeah will we see" The Doctor said

As the Doctor continued to walk around the catacombs he started to build a tomb around his daughter body so he sit next to her and go in a self healing coma because he didn't want the future to find two timelords bodies.

"I'm building a grave for myself and my daughter so in the future our bodies don't get discovered two Timelord bodies could be very bad" The Doctor said

"You won't be able to stop me" Sabaoth said

"I will we will meet again in the future I'm tried" The Doctor said

And with that The Doctor joined his daughter and put himself in a self healing coma and the two of them would stay like for a 100 years.

It also gave both of them time to think of a plan in a few hours the two of them would wake from their comas get Tegan out of the stasis chamber reunite with Nyssa Adric and K9.

Also the TARDIS had recharged as The Doctor and Phoebe rest they minds ran though ideas on how to stop Sabaoth several ideas came to the Doctor and Phoebe.

2 days later

The Doctor and Phoebe woke up for their comas they had recovered and the best part of all was the Doctor and Phoebe had the same idea on how to stop Sabaoth.

"Hey Doctor I feel so much better how about you" Phoebe said

"Same here I have an idea on how to stop Sabaoth" The Doctor said

"Me too we over loaded him" Phoebe said

"That is what I was thinking come on let's get Tegan out of the stasis chamber" The Doctor said

The Doctor and Phoebe got Tegan out of the stasis chamber and helped her in the TARDIS.

"Hey Tegan how you feeling" The Doctor said

"What happened?" Tegan asked

"Well Sabaoth drained you to the point of death we put you in a stasis chamber to help you recover them Sabaoth started draining me so I when into a self healing coma and then he drained the Doctor and he joined me in the self healing coma" Phoebe said

"The TARDIS has recharged come on let's pick up the others" The Doctor said

Ghosts Walks Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora