Return to Gallfrey/ defeating the Sabaoth

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Summary: Phoebe steals another TARDIS from Gallifrey for the part of the plan.

Phoebe was being very cryptic about what she was planning. She asked The Doctor to materialise in the workshop.

She wanted to avoid the Timelords because they would still be pretty annoyed about The Doctor and Phoebe not returning Romara.

"Why have we landed in the workshop?" The Doctor asked

"Well I wanted to avoid the Timelords and it part of my plan" Phoebe said

"When are you going to tell me what this plan of yours is you are being very Cryptic about it" The Doctor said

"Late just trust me meet me back on 17th century earth in the catacombs then I will tell my plan" Phoebe said

The Doctor at this point was just going along with it Phoebe took an old war TARDIS an materialised in the catacombs. The Doctors TARDIS was already.

"Hey Sabaoth you like energy" Phoebe asked

"Yes" Sabaoth said

"And you want to destroy this world and take all the energy" Phoebe said

"Yes" Sabaoth said

"Well I have news for you that nots happing
Not if I have anything to do with it everyone get ready to run in to the TARDIS" Phoebe said

And Phoebe zapped the Alien with all the power in the world from the old war type TARDIS she actived all the power and overloaded it to the point of death.

"You came here for the power of the universe and I gave it to you I gave you the power of Gallifrey the heart of the TARDIS and the time vortex all at once Bon appetite" Phoebe said

And with that the alien died and Phoebe joined the others.

"Phoebe what did you do" The Doctor asked

"Oh it simple really that alien wanted the power of the universe so I zapped him the power of Gallifrey the heart of the TARDIS and the Time vortex and well it was to much for him so he died" Phoebe said

"I don't stay this very often but that was cleaver for you Phoebe well done" The Doctor said

"Thanks Doctor I think we need a hoilday what do you think K9" Phoebe said

"Affirmative, mistress" K9 said

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