⭐ Ask or Dare 1⭐

107 5 7

Both requested by Cuphead_Toon789

Dare for Cross - Kiss Dream


Cross: "but Nightmare will kill me--!!"

Me: "if you don't kiss Dream right now I'll tell Dream every embarrassing moment of your entire life."

Cross: "O-ok I'll do it plz don't tell Dream-!!!!!!!!"

*Cross walks up to Dream*

Dream: "hi Cross! Do you need anything?"

*Cross kisses Dream quickly and teleports away*

Dream: "dummy (-w-)"

Nightmare in the background: "oh my! Look at the time! It's time to KILL CROSS~!!!


Question for Dream - what do you think about Cross?


Dream: "even tho he can be overprotective or mad sometimes, he is a really nice monster! I like how silly and helpful Cross is."

Nightmare: *gets his AK-47*

Dream: "BROTHER NO-"


That's all for now :)

Cream + Killermare Oneshots and Stuff :)Where stories live. Discover now