chapter seventy eight

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Being back at school twisted with her mind, she didn't have her savouries there for her, Theo and Damon no longer there made Nora not want to go anymore, sulking in her seat as half of the Slytherins bothered not to come anymore, eyes all over them at the welcome dinner.

From first to fourth year, there were barley any students, and those who were there, acted as if they had important business to attend to. Nora rested her hand in her palm as she watched absolutely nobody go into slytherin by the hat, creating a wrench between her and the other houses.

Nora felt all the stares on her, how could she not when they all sat right in the middle, ignoring the stares and mutters. She couldn't even look at the Gryffindor table, Sirius still mad over their fight, which Nora sort of forgot about until she saw his face.

Then there was Dumbledore, her heart practically skipped a beat seeing him, ignoring eye contact at any means necessary; until his speech hit her a little too close to home.

"Hogwarts, will always be here for those who need it, any one of you can be going through something, but you don't have to be alone." Nora had immediately looked at Atticus, telling him this was practically a message for her, causing Nora to eat in a frantic manner.

Here Nora black was, in her last year full of fear, her one brother hating her at the moment, a task she won't fulfill, and lying to the boy she's ever truly been honest to, until she couldn't anymore. Nothing made sense, and nothing will.

Sitting in defence of the dark arts didn't help her either, the lessons with Bella made her realize she will never be cut out to use the crucio spell on someone else, because she only sees herself.

Staring at the board and trying to focus, she was struggling, which was odd for her, shaking off the voices in her head, sighing. "Nora, your leg is shaking too much." Atticus whispered, trying to make it count it out, the table shaking a little.

Looking underneath and holding her leg practically done, Nora avoided his concerned eyes, shaking it off. "If this is about Dumbledore.." Atticus trailed off; Nora gulped, trying her hardest to pay attention. "It's, it's nothing I can't handle." Nora told, her eyes shifting to Lily Evans, knowing she and James were also sharing a whole dorm suit, two bedrooms but a kitchen and couches.

Nora hadn't had the courage to say hi to James, feeling a little guilty, also knowing how patient he has become towards her; it just didn't feel right lagging on him anymore.

Atticus seemed to notice her sadness, looking down at her book as james looked back to see her, frowning a little. "Oi, you haven't talked to him?" Nora heard Atticus whisper, looking up from her book, pressing her lips together.

"Doesn't something feel off? Every where I look everyone is staring at me and regulus, it's like they know." She hissed, tuning out their professor. "But on the train you went out for a little bit. That wasn't to see him?"

"I was throwing up because of how much I don't want to be here Atticus. This conversation isn't helping me." Nora hissed a little too loud, their professor clearing their throats.

"Detention both of you." Throwing her hands in the air and punching Atticus' shoulder; rolling her eyes when they were finally dismissed. Putting her books away and getting off her seat, Nora sneered when she saw Sirius come her way, insisting she grab her wand.

"Maybe detention will teach you to not lie to your brother." He told her, thinking that hurt her, a little scared when she laughed, clapping her hands. "Oh, that stung, good job Sirius." She sarcastically said, cheering him on for a second before she left, annoyed more than ever.

"No you can't leave." Sirius told her, catching up the girl to yell at her more, Nora crossing her arms unamused. "Are you done? I have class." She told him, shaking her head at his immaturity.

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