CH-5 The New CEO 👩‍💻

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"Yes, Mum earlier I thought that this mafia thing is something that evil people do, but now I find it cool, if you and Dad don't mind can I try it? Once?" I replied to Mum's surprised look

"Scar, we never thought that you would wanna continue in this field, which is why we never forced you for this, but knowing that you have an interest in continuing our natural bloodline, I'm very happy child!" She said, with moist eyes

"Aww, now you're going to make me cry Mom" I said hugging her

"You know, when I tell your dad about this he is going to be very happy!"

"I'm sure he will be" 

With that, Mom went to tell Dad and bro about it, while I went to Hazel. To tell her about my latest plan!

"Hazellllll!!!" I screamed in her ears

"Ow! Are you trying to make me deaf?" She said, covering her ears

"No, not at all. But!!, I have some news!" I said, excitedly

"Anyways, what is it?" She asked

"I AM GOING TO CONTINUE OUR FAMILY'S MAFIA FIEL!!!" I exclaimed, with a huge smile on my face

"You what?!" She asked, surprised

"Yes, you heard it right!! I'm going to go in for mafia training now!!" 

"Wo-wow, I mean... I'm excited but surprised" She said

"Never thought YOU would be interested in mafia and all" She continued,

"I know, but you never know what your future holds, might as well just learn this mafia stuff. It can come in handy~!" I said

"Wow, to celebrate this occasion we have to have a drink!" She said, pulling me towards the bar

"Hey! If mum sees me at this section, she will kill me!" I said 

"Come on! Just one shot!" She said

"Get me 2 of the strongest shots you have!" She ordered the bartender

"No, just a red wine for me please," I said, glaring at her

"Yeah, your one shot will make us drunk for the whole night!" I said

"Fine, then I guess a red wine for me too" She said pouting

"2 red wines coming right up!" Said the bartender and went to get our drinks

"You know what? Let's go to my beach house after the party, to get drunk!" I said, making her happy

"Hmm, your brain does work sometimes" She said, holding her laughter

Just as the bartender brought our drinks, there came an announcement. I looked towards the stage to see my Dad, holding the mic. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I appreciate you all joining us on this lovely occasion!" He said, with a pleasant smile

"On this day, I would like to let you all know that my daughter, is now going to take over my company, White Enterprise" He said, which was followed by a round of applause

"I would like to invite my dearest daughter on the stage now!" He said as I walked towards the stage, dragging my heavy dress with me

Upon reaching the steps of the stage, my brother extended a hand towards me, maybe he knew how heavy my dress is! 

"Thank you so much dad, I can't thank you guys enough, and all I wanna say is that I hope to make you proud!" I said, with a spark of excitement in my voice

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