CH-7 The Knights are back!

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"Who are these Knights anyways?" I said, curious to know more

"The Knights dream for revenge, they live for revenge, if they hate you, you are dead. If they love you, you are everything to them, they are known for their deadly attacks and hatred" 

"If so, then why aren't they on the top?" I asked dad

"Because darling, it doesn't just take muscle strength to win hearts," He said

"What?" I said

"You will understand later," He said as he got up to keep his dishes

TIME SKIP - 1 month later

"Mumm, I'm back!" I said as I walked into the house

"Oh, you're here! Great, freshen up, I will get you snacks" She said

"Mum is everything ok?" I asked

"Yes sweetie, why are you asking though?"

 "Nothing, you just seem upset" 

"No, nothing is wrong!" 

"Darling, how are  you?" Dad said, coming down

"I'm great, how are you?" I replied

"Same here, how is the company?" 

"That is also great!" I said

"Scarlett, I wanna talk with you regarding something, something very important," He said, getting all serious

"Uh... Go ahead!" I replied

"Sweetie, you know my friend William Romano?" 

"Yes, Romano uncle, he is the highest ranked mafia, isn't it?" 

"Yes, that one only, well actually. His son, is almost 27 years and my friend wants you to marry his son" He said

"WHAT?!" I screamed

"Calm down, he is my old friend and his son is also a great guy" He said

"But I don't wanna marry right now!" I said

"Just, just see him once, you will like him for sure!" Dad said

"NO, I- I don't wanna marry, and that's final," I said, as I walked up to my room

Sometime later, mum came to my room and sat on the edge of the bed

"Darling, you dad only wants the best of you, why don't you meet his son once?" Mum said

"Mom, you don't understand! I don't have any interest in marriage, specially not right now!" I said

"See, you are growing up, and getting back in the mafia field means danger, for you especially, marrying you into the Romano family means ensuring total safety!" She said

"Mum, you think I need someone else to take care of me, and protect me?" I said, scoffing

"No, it's not like that, its just, you don't know how dangerous the underworld is! And I want you to be fully protected and safe, Afterall you are my darling, my sweetue" She said, cupping my face in her hands.

"No, but I can train myself, and learn to protect myself!" I said, speaking loudly

"Please do think about it darling, we just want you to be safe!" She said, as she went out

Time skip - after 1 week


"So you're telling me, that your mom and dad want you to marry the Romano son?" Hazel said

"Exactly! And I don't understand why, I mean I can protect myself. I am in training for the mafia, why can't they understand it?" I said, pressing my forehead

"Maybe, it's for your own safet-" Hazel was cut, with a loud bang sound. 

"What was that?" Suddenly, gunshots were to be heard everywhere, and suddenly I saw men in black, barging in her office.

"Wha-What is going on?!" I said

I could see, those men in black pointing their guns at us, I secretly called my brother, and he picked up within the first ring. He could hear some men shouting and us screaming. 

I guess he understood the situation, because I could see my brother entering in with his men almost 15 minutes later

"Scar, are you ok?" He said, pointing his gun on the man's head

"Y-yes" At this point, we were both very scared, tears were streaming down our eyes, as we tried to keep our cries low. 

Panic was striking within us, I patted my chest, trying to keep my Panic attack down.

I guess I understood, how dangerous this all can get

After a while, once everything calm, we were taken to our private secret house, which was opened once again, after 20 years

"See, I told you, that the Knights are dangerous. B-but you didn't understand" Said dad

"Now is not the time to discuss that, are you even looking at them? They are burning with fever!" Said mom

"I caught them, turns out that The Knights, are trying to get back at us" Said Aiden

"For what?" I asked, shivering

"You-" Said Aiden, when he was cut off by dad

"Nothing, it's nothing, you rest and Hazel, you also need not worry child, I will arrange tight security for the two of you" Said dad, as he went out with mum and Aiden 

"What could it be that they are hiding from me?" I asked Hazel

"Don't know, but it has to be something really big, and really dark. Something that has been covered for years, but now it is revealed, intentionally" Said Hazel


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