CH-9 First Date

11 1 0

"Scarlett dear, this is my son, Damian," Said Mrs. Romano

"Hello, nice to meet you Damian," I said, extending my hand towards him, which he gladly rejected!

Seeing that Damian rejected my handshake, his mother gladly shook my hand to avoid awkwardness. 

"He is a little shy" Said Mrs. Romano

"Aish no worries, kids are shy when meeting for the first time!" Said mom

Humb! Rude Joker, the moment he stepped in he has that poker face only, no smile, no talk, nothing! What an old dumbo am I going to marry!

I thought to myself

"Heyy, I don't wanna marry him" I whispered to Aiden

"Why?" He whispered back

"Can't you see, he isn't speaking anything, he has that poker look, no smile, no hello, he even rejected my hand!" I whispered back

"Aish, after this you will have sometime to think about it, for now just bear for now!" He whispered

"Fine!!" I whispered back, as we began to order food for us

Since we are at a Korean restaurant we will be having Korean food, my fav!!

"I hope you are ready to order" Said the Manager

"Yes, so we will have Beoseot Gangjeong, Hobak Mandu, Oi Muchim, Japchae, Kimbap, and Banchan." Said Aiden

"Calm down Aiden" Said mom

"Aish no worries Mary, let the kid order!" Replied Mrs. Romano

All these that Aiden ordered, are my favourite foods! He knows that  love these dishes, but would be too embarrassed to order for myself here, aww such a sweet brother!

I looked at Aiden, as he gave me a reassuring look

After a while our food arrived, as we begin eating and talking! 

"Scarlett, what did you major in?" Asked Mr. Romano

"Uncle, I'm a major in Business" I replied

"That's great my child, then after marriage you have to handle our company" Said Mr Romano

After dinner, we all decided to take a walk at the beautiful garden downstairs

"Why don't we let the kids talk?" Said Dad

No!! Please, I'm to nervous to talk with him, I don't even know if he will talk to me!!

"Yes, Scarlett, Damian why don't you guys go and get to know each other more?" Said Mrs Romano

After which we had to go to the other side of the garden and talk

For few minutes we were just walking, quitely. Until I decided to break the silence

"So, you're the mafia king" I said, and instantly regretted it, shit why cant I say something appropriate?!!

"Yeah" He replied, cold

"Are you forced into this marriage?" I asked him

"Are you?" He asked back 

"I asked first, so technically my question should be answered" I said, making him chuckle

"I am certainly forced, but I don't care whatsoever, cause I don't believe in love, what about you?" He said

"Kinda same, I was also said the same, but the after some time the situation made me agree" I said

It hurts, hearing him say that he doesn't believe in love </3

"Before this marriage let me make it clear, I don't believe in love, don't even try to change me. You have to follow some certain rules as long as you're living with me, you are free to leave anytime. My world is pretty dangerous, so you gotta be prepared" He said, with his usual poker face

The Devil's PrincessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora