CH-17 Assembling Feelings 🧩

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We followed the manager to our table, and I looked around to find that the Restaurant was all empty, is the food not good? Then why did Damian bring us here?

We all got seated at our table, which gave an amazing view of the beautiful interior. However I was still sceptical about the food, So I decided to ask Violet, who was sitting right next to me, next to me sat Damian and opposite us sat Mom and dad.

"Hey", I whispered to her

"Yeah", She whispered back

"I don't think the food here is good?", I said to her

"Why?", She asked

"Because look the entire place is empty", I said making her laugh

"It's not that, it's just that Damian booked the entire place, for our privacy", She asked

"What?", this time I didn't whisper, more like a shout

"What happened?", Mom asked me

"No nothing mom", I said to her

"But how can he book the entire place?", I again whispered to her

"Why don't you ask him yourself", She said to me

"No thanks", I whispered to her

"Why? Are you too shy to ask?", I turned back to see Damian, so close that our nose was almost touching, I could feel his hot breath on my face, as I backed off a little

"No, who said that?", I said, trying to act normal

"Your blushing cheeks, blinking eyes, uneven breath, all of it", He said

Just then this sweet moment was interrupted by the waiter, who came to greet us, as I saw Damian, sitting back straight with a poker face back on as, we began to order the food

We had a variety of different foods set up and many exclusive drinks, which was then followed by a huge amount of dessert, which was really tasty.

"Hmmm, it's so good!!", I said, munching on the creamy tiramisu.

After that we all left, after 5 minutes of waiting for our car, it arrived as Damian took the keys, and our doors were opened by the guards. 

"Thank you", I said, sitting inside

and that's how our dinner ended,

Again it took around an hour to get home, upon reaching home we all directly to our rooms.

 Damian wasn't here yet, so I got freshen up and did a little skincare, while doing so, I heard the door open and in came Damian.

"Thanks", I said, looking at him through the mirror.

"For what?", He asked

"the books", I said

"Didn't you thank me earlier?", he asked

"I did, but not for the signed books!", I said to him

"Oh", He said chuckling

With that I started going towards the couch 

"Wait", I heard him say

"Yeah?", I turned back

"Don't sleep there", He said

"Oh", I said, now he doesn't want me to even sleep in the same room as him? I thought as I started going outside, to the guest room

"Where are you going?", He asked

"Guest room", I replied, turning to him

"Why?", He asked

"You don't want me sleeping on the couch, then where should I sleep?", I asked, shrugging my shoulders

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