CH-13 Meeting ME

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"Open it and see for yourself", He said, as I opened the box to see a beautiful diamond jewellery set

"Wow, it's so pretty!", I said, admiring the set

"Is it for me?", I asked him

"Yes of course", He said

"Don't just stand there, come on make her wear it!", Violet whispered to him but I heard it

"Turn around", He said

"Huh?", I said looking at him

"You heard me princess", He said, as I felt my cheeks heating up, I nodded as I did what he said

I could see his hands, moving up my head and placing the necklace on my neck, as he went and closed it, he turned me around and muttered, "What a beauty"

"I know, it's very pretty," I said, touching the necklace

"Darling I'm talking to you", He said, making me blush

"Me? T-Thanks, you are also looking handsome" I said

But seriously, he was looking super duper handsome and sexy, in that grey suit, with polished boots and expensive shades, looking like a hero, straight out of a movie

"I don't think she looks that pretty, look at her dress who selected it?" Said the makeup artist, Lia

"Excuse me," I said

"Well, the truth couldn't be hidden any longer" " she said, while Anna tried to shush her by asking her to stop

"I did", Damian said, in his stern voice, staring the makeup artist dead in the eyes

With that saying he came forward and slid his hand on my waist

"I selected this dress for MY WIFE", He said, "And you should not have any problem, you're here for work, do and leave. Don't mess around", He said

"S-sorry sir, I didn't mea-", "Shut up!", Said Damian, cutting her in between

"you guys go and sit in the car, I'm just coming", He said, as we all went towards the car

Just as I left the door, I heard a gun shot followed by a scream, I turned around to Damian holding the gun, and Lia, crouching down holding her leg, scared I just froze there, not having the courage to move.

"What happen?", Violet said, noticing me not moving

"H- He just shot h...he--her", I replied, gulping in fear

"So?", She replied, normally

"SO!", I exclaimed

"Violet, he shot her on the leg!!", I said

"Come on, it's normal, He had to teach her a lesson for messing with his wife", She said casually

Then if I irritate him will he kill me as well? What if someday he kills me in anger or- my inner thoughts ran wild, as I walked. But little did I know, that someday these might come true, after all I heard that mafias had anger issues, what if he comes and... Shut up inner me!!

We got seated in the car, it was a quite ride, no one spoke a word, until Dad decided to break it

"So, Scarlett, what are your plans for your company?", he asked me

"Nothing much dad, but I need to go to the office tomorrow, to settle out the stuff, I took a big leave, so a lot of working is pending", I said

"Don't worry, Damian will help you", He said, as the flashbacks of him shooting her came to my mind and shouted

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