CH-12 New Family

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The wedding function was over and we left for our house little did I know that my life was going to change in the wildest way possible. 

Upon reaching the Romano Villa, Damian got off first and then opened the door for me, holding a hand in front which I gladly accepted, as the dress was heavy. 

I went in to see, his parents and sister and friends waiting

"Heyy sister in law!!" Said Violet, giggling 

"Feel so good saying it" She said, coming to hug me

"Hey Violet" I replied, hugging her back

"Come on now leave her Violet, they must be excited for the night" Said his friends, as I felt my cheeks heating up.

"Alright, alright bye guys enjoyyyyyyyyy" Violet said

"Scarlett, dear welcome to our family" Damian's mom said, holding her hand to my face

"I'm glad to be aunty" I said

"Uh huh! No more aunty! Only mom or mumma" She said, as I nodded

"Now you guys can go and rest, the wedding and functions must be tiring" She said, Damian nodded and went on

I quickly followed him to his room, which was covered in the shades of black and grey, what did I even expect from him? 

I quickly followed him to his room, which was covered in the shades of black and grey, what did I even expect from him? 

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Upon entering the room, he went straight towards a door, don't know where it was leading to. As he did, I also went and sat on the couch, and started going through my Instagram, after some time, he came out of the same door, dressed in casual clothes. 

"You can go freshen up now" He said in his deep voice, sitting on the bed

"Umm, my clothes?" I asked

"They are already arranged in the closet" He said

"Oh, okay thanks" I said, as I went to get fresh

With that I entered the bathroom, the interior matched to that of the bedroom. 

I started taking off my jewellery and opening my hair, phew all those pins made my head heavy! After taking off my veil, I decided to undo the dress, I tried to open the zipper but it got stuck midway, uhh!! 

After, several tries I finally gave up and peeked my head out of the door, to find Damain on the bed, on his phone. Seems like he didn't notice me as he was still focused on his mobile. 

"Damian" I said, in a low voice, to which he looked at me

"Yes" He replied, in his firm voice

"Can you call Violet?" I asked

"Why? Do you need anything?" He asked

"umm, m-my... my zipper got stuck" I said, slightly embarrassed

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