CH-14 Show off

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"Yeah, have you thought of any place?", Said mom

"No", Replied Damian

"Then think about it son", Said dad 

"Why don't you guys go to Maldives?", Violet suggested

"Or Paris?", this time mom said

"Even, Switzerland is a great place", said dad, joining in the little discussion

"Hmm, I like beachy places more", I said

"Then Maldives?", Violet said

"But I also love France!", I said

"So Paris?", Mom said

"But I like snow too!", I said

"So Switzerland?", Dad said

"You know what? I will think and let you know", I said 

"Me and your mom went to Belgium for our trip", Said dad

"Those were the day...!", He said, making us all laugh

And just like that our dinner was done

Upon arriving in the bedroom, I noticed that Damian was sitting on the coffee table, with his laptop, reading some files, so I decided not to disturb him and went to sleep on the bed, maybe I can talk to him about the trip tomorrow. 

I have noticed that Damian is changing, from the hard ice, he is now like snow, maybe eventually he will melt! And all my romantic fantasies will become reality, can't wait for that day to come! And that's how I drifted to my wonderland. 


I woke up at 8, since I have to go to office today. I got freshen up and met Damian, Dad, mom and Violet downstairs. 

"Morning guys!", I wished everyone with a bright smile on my face

"Morning Scar", Violet said, followed by dad and then mom

"Good morning Damian", I wished

"Hmm", He replied cold, with his poker face

what's with this man, yesterday he was all protective and touchy, now? Solid rock ice, but I'm determined to melt him, for me... 

I went to the kitchen and got myself some breakfast and sat next to Violet

"So any plans for today?", Violet asked

"Yup", I said

"Going to the office", I continued

"Then come with me, I'll drop you!", She said

"Okay, but when are you leaving?", I asked

"In about 30 minutes", She said, looking at her watch

"Cool, I'll meet you by the car in half an hour", I said, going upstairs to get ready

Since I was going to office after a long time, I had to dress nicely. I took a classy outfit and went to get ready. Then I did a light face of make, nothing much, just tint cream, mascara and lip tint. 


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