CH-18 Accepting Changes

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As I ran to the bathroom, I could hear his chuckle, 

Oooof, that deep morning voice! 

After doing my skincare and a shower, I took out my outfit for office and got ready.

After doing my skincare and a shower, I took out my outfit for office and got ready

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Scarlett's Outfit

After picking up my bag, I went downstairs to see everyone sitting for breakfast. I also took my seat, which was beside Damian and greeted everyone. 

"Scar where are you going?" Asked Violet

"Office, I have an important deal today, so maybe I will come home late", I said 

"Okay, all the best for your deal!", Said mom

"Thanks mom", I said

Just like that I finished my breakfast, and left for office in my car. 

Upon reaching the office, I went directly to my cabin and asked Sylvie to bring the files for today's  meeting

"Here mam" " she said, handing me the file 

Just as I was about to open it, I heard my phone ring.

It was from the reception, I picked it up.

"Mam, the clients are here", She said.

"Okay, I'm sending Sylvie to guide them to the conference room", I said to her, as I ordered Sylvie to go downstairs, she nodded before obeying. 

After some time, I also took my stuff and went to the meeting room.

Just then, as I checked it, I got a message from Hazel while entering the conference. 

After replying the message, I looked up to see Violet, sitting there.

"Violet?", I said, confused.

"Yeah! Surprise!!!!", She said, coming to hug me, as I reverted back.

"You? You are the client?", I asked her

"Yeah", She said

"Wowwww", I said, sitting down with her

"Wait a sec, brother is coming", She said

"Damian?", I asked

"Who else do I call brother?", She asked

"But didn't you tell me, you handle the company?", I asked her

"Yeah, but technically he is still the one who approves the deals, cause he is more experienced", She said

"Oh", I said 

I could see that everyone sitting in the room was looking surprised to her sitting here, and even more surprised when Damian entered the room. 

I stood him, as he entered. He came straight towards us. 

"Scarlett", I introduced, as we shook hands, trying to look professional

"I know darling", He said, raising a brow

As I gave him a 'seriously' look

I could see everyone's face shocked, and scared. I mean ofcourse it will be, after all THE DAMIAN KNIGHT is standing here. 

Just then came Sylvie in the room, with her laptop to give the presentation, as we all seated down for the same. 

"So, that's why I believe that putting your shares in our company will benefit you even more", Said Sylvie ending the presentation, as we all clapped our hands. 

"So, Mr. Romano, what do you think about the deal?", I asked, looking at him.

"Well, Mrs. Romano, the deal sounds interesting", Said Damian.

"So, Mr. Romano, what is your answer?", I asked, in the same playful manner like he did.

"Yes", he said, finally after a long pause. 

Just as he said that everyone in my staff sighed in relief


(590 Words)

So sorry for a short episode, but I have my exams starting soon, so I wasn't able to give much time to writing, But I promise that once my exams are over, I will upload longer episodes!

Hope you enjoyed this episode!

Hope you'll are doing well!!

Please vote and follow and comments, it really motivates me to make more for you'll!!

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Stay healthy and safe, take care guys!!

~ A/n ❤️

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