How Could He?

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"Daddy," Hanako said while lightly knocking on my office door.

"What's up, princess?" I asked her. The boys were upstairs playing, and I had Kimi in here with me. So, hopefully, everything was going okay behind my office door.

"Can I ask you something?" Her brown eyes were filled with sadness as she nervously stepped into the room.

"Yeah, you can ask me anything." That didn't reassure her. "Come here," I said while patting my knee. She crossed the room and pushed herself into my lap. "What do you want to know?"

"Is Dad ever going to come home?" I tensed. Of course, she has to be curious about that.

He was currently in Brazil. We haven't talked, but he's been posting on all platforms, showing off his new boyfriend. He already sent me divorce papers. He wants to give up his parental rights to all the kids and go through the prenup we signed. For some reason, I wanted him to be well-off if we divorced. I was stupid back then. "Daddy?" Hanako said quietly when I didn't answer.

"You know what, princess? I don't think he is. I know right now, we're all still trying to adjust. But I'm doing my best; I promise it will improve soon." She sighed and leaned back against my chest.

"You're doing great, Daddy. My only complaint is we need to get groceries. We're out of snacks and juice. You're also a horrible cook." I put my right hand over her mouth and groaned. I've never had to cook. When I was finally done with work, dinner was usually ready. It wasn't because I didn't want to cook or help my husband around the house. It was because I worked until the kids were getting ready for bed.

"And I promise, Daddy is going to do better." I forgot how brutally honest kids can be. I know I'm not doing so hot, but I didn't need her to point it all out like that. "Daddy is almost done working for the day. Why don't you grab Kenzo and get your homework started? I'll be out in a few minutes." I kissed the top of her head before she hopped down and ran from the office.

My work day ends in ten minutes, and I think I'll be able to get out on time. Since I told everyone not to pass me their work anymore, I was always done before five on the weekdays and four on Fridays since I got an earlier start. I could take my kids to school, but they had to take the bus home, which they absolutely despised.

If I could end my workday at three to pick them up, I would. Unfortunately, there's no way. I can get away with ending my day at four if I start early enough to have everything done, but there's no way I could get away with getting off at three.

After staring at the clock for two minutes, I turned to my personal laptop and Googled simple recipes for a family of five. I have to face the facts. Eijiro isn't coming back. Even if he did, I don't know if I could forgive him. Hell, I don't even think I believe in love anymore. How can someone just up and leave everything like that?

I told Hanako I would do better. I have to do better. The last time I went by the grocery store after dropping the kids off, I only got juice and junk food. I can't continue to do that to them, though. They need real food.

I jotted down a few crockpot recipes I could throw together while the kids were at school. I have a feeling those would be the majority of the meals we ate. After that, I added the necessities we needed. I would just grab whatever fruits and vegetables the kids want when we get to the store.

I shut my laptop down as soon as I was off the clock. I scooped Kimi up from the mat on the floor. She fussed but was fine when I gave her the light-up block she had been playing with.

When I walked into the kitchen, Hanako and Kenzo were doing their homework at the table. Masao wasn't there, which scared me because of how quiet the house was.

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