Things Left Unsaid

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"Where are the kids?" Bakugo asked as he walked out of his office with his laptop in his hands. The light was off, and the doors were shut, which meant he was done for the day. Whatever he had on his laptop was for personal use.

"They're all on the play mat upstairs. Figured while they were occupied, I would get dinner started." He nodded before walking toward the stairs. Something's been different with him since he returned from his night away last weekend. He hasn't been friendly, but he hasn't been mean, either. "Was there anything in particular that you wanted?"

He shook his head. "Whatever you feel like making." He set his laptop on the counter and turned it toward me. "I'm torn between these two campsites. What do you think?"

I glanced at the computer. The screen was split. Each side held a different website for the two campgrounds. "They both have a place to swim, kid-friendly activities, a camp store, and nature trails?" Those were the most important things. We would only be there for three nights, so we didn't need much.

"Both are in nice areas, and we would have an electric spot at either of them." I nodded. At that point, it didn't matter too much. "Flip a coin?"

"Let's just go with Oakland Heights." I looked through the pictures. "I like that they have an obstacle course in the water for the kids and a toddler area for Masao."

"Do you plan on taking Hanako and Kenzo to the obstacle course?" He almost sounded disappointed when he asked.

I shook my head. "That's on you. I'll stay back with Masao. I don't think I'll be swimming in front of the kids much."

He raised an eyebrow. "Any particular reason why?"

I looked around the kitchen to make sure no kids had snuck down. "Because I have my nipples pierced, and even through a wet shirt, they're extremely visible. I don't like taking them out, so I just figured I wouldn't swim much in front of them."

He froze for a moment before he swallowed. "You can swim in front of my kids. I don't care."

I crossed my arms. "You don't?" Tenya had friends who wouldn't even invite me to the beach because of my piercings, even though he was the one who made me get them.

He shook his head. "I choose not to shelter my kids from the real world. I will always do my best to protect them from the harshness of it, but sheltering them isn't going to do any good."

"What if they ask about them?"

"Tell them they're piercings for adults. They'll understand." I looked at him skeptically. Will they?

His eyes flickered down to my chest and back up. "Oakland Heights it is." He shut his laptop and walked to the fridge. "Did you ever decide what you were making?"

I shook my head. "I was thinking chicken alfredo, but I wasn't sure."

"Sounds good," he said quickly. "I can help."

Now, this was weird. What the hell happened to him? He's been so different since his weekend away. "Why are you staring at me?"

"O-Oh, nothing," I stuttered, pulling the chicken from the fridge and setting it on the counter. "You just seem happier since you took a small break."

He clicked his tongue. "I wouldn't even call it a break." I stayed silent, waiting to see if he would continue. "I met with my ex to go over the prenup we signed."

Oh. From the things I've heard about his ex, he probably threw a huge fit when he realized he wasn't getting anything. As long as he kept the golden rules of a prenup, Bakugo shouldn't have to give him a single cent.

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