Change for the Better

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"Daddy? Why my hair red?" Masao asked while looking into the mirror. "Hana hair brown."

"You know why, bud," I sighed while handing him his clothes for the day.

"Apoted." I shook my head. He knew what he was saying, and that's all that matters, I guess. "Kimi has back hair ike Dad. Kenz has yewwow hair ike you."

I groaned before squatting down to be on his level. "It's not yellow, it's blond." I mean, I should be awarding him for knowing his colors. I'm pretty impressed, considering I've never taught him a color. "Hey bud, can you put the tip of your tongue against the top of your mouth?"

After he did what I said, I explained how to make the L sound. I get that toddlers don't talk great, but it is driving me fucking nuts. Until Kimi started crying from her room, I sat with Masao and helped him pronounce his L's.

"Dad! Where's our lunches?" Hanako yelled up the stairs while I went to Kimi's room.

I groaned at the realization that I forgot to pack their lunches, and I didn't have the time now. The bus will be pulling up any second. I hate that they have to take the bus, but it's too much to load Masao and Kimi into the car and make it back before I have to work at nine. "I'll be down in a second."

I sped-walked to Kimi's room and picked her up. She needs a diaper change, but I have to get the kids money for lunch first. I grabbed a diaper and wipes before rushing down the stairs. "Bus is here!" Kenzo yelled while looking out the large window.

I'm not making it. The bus waits for nobody. The bus will drive off if they're not outside within sixty seconds. "You two go, now. I'll bring your lunch by before you eat, okay?"

They didn't fight me. They both said okay before running out the door, telling me they loved me over their shoulders right before the door shut.

I laid Kimi on the floor before unzipping her onesie. When my hands moved to remove the diaper, Masao yelled, "Daddy! My shirt stuck!"

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

I love my kids.

I love them so much.

But I am so overwhelmed and feel so defeated right now.

Four kids are a lot for one person. Luckily, I have interviews coming in today. Only two people applied so far, but they seemed decent enough. They passed their background checks perfectly, and the girl's social media profiles checked out. I couldn't find anything for the guy that applied. I thought I misread the age and that he was older, but I didn't. He's probably the only 24-year-old in the state without some social media.

"Daddy!" Masao yelled again, pulling me away from my thoughts.

"I'll be there in a minute!" I yelled back. I looked down at Kimi to finish her diaper. She was smiling while reaching her hands up.

This is one of those moments.

One of those moments that make parenting worth it all. "Alright, little thing, let's finish your diaper change so I can prepare everything for the interviews," I told my boss I was looking into nannies and asked him to exclude me from meetings to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. He was entirely on board.

After getting the kids settled in, there was a light knock on the door. I opened it to see my first candidate of the day. "Hello, I am Katsuki Bakugo." I reached out my hand, and she grabbed it and shook it.

"Camie Utsushimi, nice to meet you."

I opened the door for her to step inside. "Sorry for the mess. I am not used to being a single father, and everything is a little overwhelming for me at the moment."

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