All I Ever Wanted

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"Morning," Midoriya mumbled while walking into the kitchen. As of now, the main kitchen has the only coffee maker we own. "Any of the kids awake yet?"

I shook my head before filling another mug and handing it over to him. "They were up a little past their bedtime last night, so they'll probably be asleep for a little bit longer."

"So I can enjoy my coffee before making breakfast," he chuckled while taking the mug from my hand.

"Thank you."

"No problem. I can make breakfast this morning." While he walked to the dining room, I grabbed the notebook I pulled out this morning and a pen before following him with my own cup of coffee. I sat next to him and set the notebook in front of him. "I started writing down some of the kids' favorite food for you. Fair warning: Kenzo loves peanut butter, but Masao is allergic, so we don't have it in the house. We buy sunflower butter and stick an old peanut butter label on it. I'll show you where the current jar is later."

"Sounds good," he mumbled before sliding the notebook closer to him and flipping it open. "Do you need me here this morning?" he asked.

I shook my head. "I don't think so. Got plans?"

"My friends asked if I could meet them for brunch in an hour or so. They're dying to know how my weekend has been." He said he came here on the run, right?

"Are these friends the reason you came here?" I asked. I don't want to pry. I'm just curious about how he got here. Out of all the places he could end up, he ended up here.

He shook his head. "When I left home, I had a full tank and a full charge. I drove until I ran out of fuel. When I walked into town, I met my friend Uraraka when she was working at the gas station. Through her, I met her girlfriend, Tsu."

"And I assume you met the heterochromatic dude through them?" I asked. "I don't know his name, but I know Tsu. It is a small town, after all."

"His name is Todoroki," Midoriya chuckled. "The three of them became my friends very quickly. Their kindness is the reason I stayed here."

"Well," I said with a small smile. "I'm glad you stayed here. I hope you have fun today. Just let me know if you'll be back by dinner so I know how much food to make."

"I'm sure I will be," he replied. "I'm going to go get ready. Just let me know if you need me to come back at all. Thank you for the coffee and for writing all of this down. Can I leave it here for now in case you need to add something else?"

"Yeah, I'll put it on top of the fridge." With that, he was off. I had no complaints, though. I felt like this was the first time I got to enjoy my coffee in peace and quiet in months. Usually, my kids are up and running around by now.

I finished my coffee and carried my cup to the sink before starting our breakfast. I may not be considered a lazy dad, but I don't have the energy today. I'm exhausted from running around all weekend and getting Midoriya settled. So today, I'm putting waffles in the toaster. They can also have a banana if they want one, but that's all the fruit I've got left.

I need to go shopping again. I might wait until Midoriya gets back to see if he wants to go or if he can watch Masao and Kimi so I don't have to take them. Masao had a meltdown over juice the last time I went shopping with all four kids.

"Daddy," a quiet voice said behind me as I popped four waffles into the toaster.

"What's up, princess?" I said over my shoulder.

"Where's Midoriya?" she asked while grabbing her bottle of water from the fridge.

"He's going out with his friends for a little while today. Tonight, put your water bottle in the sink to be washed. You need to remember to wash it at least every other day, Hanako."

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