The Right Decision

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Rolling over and smacking the alarm clock on my side of the bed, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I didn't sleep well last night. It wasn't because the bed in the guest room was uncomfortable or the fact that I had never slept in it before. It had more to do with the roller-coaster of a conversation I had with Bakugo. I never wanted anyone else to see my scars, especially the one on my ribs. In truth, I started wearing a shirt all the time to cover my piercings, but after leaving Tenya, I was more worried about covering my scars.

I slid out of bed, and as my feet hit the floor, I remembered I had my first therapy appointment today before my parents arrived. I groaned. I can't believe I agreed to go. Knowing I need it even if I don't want it. I made my way to the closest, grabbed my clothes, and pulled them on before going into the bathroom and brushing my teeth. I then ran water over my hair, trying to tame my unruly curls.

After all of that was done, I made my way to Hanako and Kenzo's rooms to get them up for school. I knocked lightly on Hanako's door, "Are you up?"

I waited a few moments after I asked before hearing, "Yes." before peeking my head in. She usually gets up on her own, and as always, she was up getting her clothes out and laying them on her bed.

"Good morning." She smiled at me, and I smiled back. "Morning. Breakfast is ready." She told me once she likes making my day easier by getting herself out of bed, and I am grateful. I then made my way to Kenzo's room and repeated the prosses. When I heard no response, I entered his room.

Flicking on the light, I said, "Rise and shine, buddy, it's school time." He groaned, rolling over. "I know I did the same thing this morning, but we got things to do." He sat up, groaned again, and climbed out of bed. I am so glad the kids don't give me too much trouble about getting up for the day. "Your clothes are in the bin, and breakfast is ready once you're dressed." I smiled at him before adding. "I made bacon and eggs just for you."

I chuckled at his speed, walking to his closet as I made my way to the door. Making my way to Masao's room, I said, "Hey, bud, we got to get up and go have a play date today." I know that should help me wake him up.

He rolled over and said, "Pay?" I raised a brow at him and shook my head. "Pl-lay?" he questioned. I smiled and nodded, this time to let him know he got it. "Yay, I go pl-lay." That is good enough for now. I chuckled at him and ruffled his hair.

After getting him dressed for the day before, I said, "You have one piece of toast and half a glass of orange juice waiting for you." His only response was a smile as we made our way downstairs. Kimi wasn't in her room, so I assume Bakugo got her up this morning.

I walked back into the kitchen holding Masao's hand to find Kimi sitting in her high chair, eating. Bakugo was making himself a cup of coffee. He handed me one already made as I passed him to head for the table. "Thanks," I said. 

"No problem. So, you have therapy today. I'm sorry I didn't think about you having the kids when you would have to go." He sounded a bit nervous as he chewed on his bottom lip. He looked at me as if he wanted to say more, but he didn't. We've been here before.

I gave him a soft smile. "It's okay. This therapist has a lot of single moms that come in, so she has a playroom set up with one licensed caregiver and two monitors. I only talked to her secretary, Andy, so I haven't formally met my therapist yet. "Yes, I ensured they knew about Masao and his food allergy."

He nodded at me. "Great. You may not like this, but just so you know, I paid for half of your appointment today. And as long as you continue to go, I will continue to pay for half of the appointments."

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