Small and Simple Moments

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"Alright, all of your clothes are packed," I said while looking through the list. "You just showered, right?"

"Yeah. I'm not going to shower before we leave in the morning, so I can pack that stuff now." I handed him a large Ziploc bag to toss all his stuff in as he turned for the stairs.

"Thanks," he said before heading down the stairs. While he did that, I flipped to the next page. Before I walked up, he tossed everything on the bed to be packed since I had the official list. I looked around at what was left and saw the other basic stuff like his phone charger, earbuds, and a few more odds and ends, but it was surprising how much he didn't think about.

"Got everything," he said while shoving the bag into his suitcase. "I'm due for a new toothbrush, so I just packed a new one along with a new tube of toothpaste."

"Okay, start telling me whatever else you pack, and I'll cross it off the list I made."

"Alright. I'm packing my phone charger now since I have one in the house," he said while tossing it into his book bag. He then rambled on about a few more things, like his smartwatch charger, favorite water bottle, shoes, towels, and a few more things, before he deemed himself done with packing.

"I have a first aid kit and medicine for everyone. However, you should bring an extra set of piercings and cleaning spray since you can't use peroxide or alcohol."

He raised a brow. "They've been fully healed for a while. An infection is rare."

"But them getting slightly torn while we're moving around so much may not be. If they do or if you lose a ball on the end, you may regret not bringing anything." He continued staring at me in confusion. "Humor me and bring another pair, and we can stop somewhere and get some cleaning solution tomorrow if you don't have any."

"We'll have to stop and buy another pair as well because I didn't pack them when I left Tenya," he mumbled.

"I'll add it to the shopping list, then." Before that, I set everything on the bed and wrapped my arms around him. I hate hearing about everything he had to leave behind. "And just so you know, you'll never have to do that again. You'll never have to leave everything behind and start from nothing again. Even when you leave one day, hopefully not anytime soon, you'll always be welcome here."

His arms wrapped around my waist, and he clenched my shirt in his palms. "Thank you."

I held him for a few more moments before he pulled away. "Let's finish packing so we can get some sleep. We're scheduled to leave at four in the morning."

"Alright. I think you have everything you need." Since I'm providing everything we'll need, like sunblock, bug spray, and other items, he only needs to pack his personal belongings, and whatever else he wants for the time we're gone.

"Alright, let's go ahead and get everything packed for you," he said while grabbing his bag and suitcase. We made our way downstairs to the main house before tossing his bags by the front door with everything else to be loaded tomorrow. I've already got most everything packed; I just need to pack my clothes now.

We went to my bedroom to do my part of the packing. He sat on the edge of my bed and packed everything I had tossed him because he's way better at playing packing Tetris than I am. It took all of thirty minutes before I was done packing and we were carrying my bag to the front door.

"What do you want for our very late dinner?" I asked. "We can order in since we're practically out of food."

"Honestly, I'm exhausted and just want to sleep."

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