Open Ended Conversations

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"Daddy isn't back yet?" Hanako asked while dropping everything by the front door.

"No. He said he'll be home for dinner, though." She frowned as her brothers walked through the door with who I assume is Bakugo's mother behind them with Kimi on her hip.

"Please don't take offense to this, but can I see your ID before I leave the kids with you?" I stared at her, dumbfounded for a moment. Then I smiled. I'm glad she asked and didn't just trust me blindly despite the kids knowing me.

"Of course. It's in the pool house, though."

"I can go get it," Hanako said while running toward the kitchen door. The kids know the passcode in case of emergencies.

"It's on the counter!" I yelled over my shoulder. I turned back to their grandma. "Did we have a fun weekend?"

"We did," she smiled while clutching Kimi tightly to her.

"Midoiya, we swim!" Masao cheered while dragging his yellow bag toward the stairs. "Swim idor."

"Swim indoor? Well, that sounds like a lot of fun!" They must have stayed at the indoor waterpark in the city. I remember seeing it on the outskirts. I thought it looked fun, but I wouldn't pay to do it around this time since Bakugo will be opening the pool soon.

"This place looks a lot cleaner than it did when I picked the kids up," Mrs. Bakugo said as she looked around the room.

"I clean in my free time. With an empty house, I was able to get just about everything done." At that moment, Hanako came running into the room with my wallet.

"Here you go, Midoriya!" She handed me my wallet.

"Thank you." I grabbed the wallet and opened it to my driver's license. I showed Bakugo's mother.

She handed over Kimi. "Forgive me for asking, but I've never met you. And these are my grandbabies."

"No, I understand. I'm glad you asked." I would hate for anything to ever happen to these kids. "Did they have lunch?"

She shook her head. "We ate a late breakfast before we left, so I didn't stop and grab them anything on the way."

"That's fine. We'll unpack and then make some lunch."

"Can we go to the park?" Kenzo asked excitedly.

"Let's get unpacked, get some lunch done, and then do our homework. After that, we'll see when your dad will be home." He said he'd be back for dinner but didn't specify exactly what time he'd be home.

"Come give grandma a hug. I have a long drive home." All the kids ran toward her, with the exception of Kimi. "I had a lot of fun with you brats. And remember, I'll see you as soon as school gets out." One by one, they all said goodbye, and she left.

"Midoriya?" Hanako said quietly as soon as she was gone. "Grandma said that Dad was meeting with our dad that left. Is that true?"

That surprised me. "I don't know. I didn't ask, and he didn't tell me, sweetie."

She frowned. That clearly wasn't what she wanted to hear. "I glad dad bye," Masao said.

"Masao!" Kenzo yelled. "You can't say that!"

I wanted to say something but wasn't sure what to say. This is a conversation Bakugo needed to be here for. I'm not prepared to deal with this.

"Hanako, Kenzo, can you put your dirty clothes in the washer?"

I tossed a pizza in the oven and went to start the washer. The kids were playing for the moment; I checked on lunch, and it had about five minutes left. After I got out plates and poured drinks, I called the kids. "Hey, guys, come sit at the table. Lunch is ready." 

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