Canyon of Stars

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Due to an upcoming vacation(an anime/nerdy convention), I am going to, this story will be on a three-week hiatus. I need to focus on my small business that sells and the cosplays that need to be made and packed within the next week and a half. Because of that, this story will not resume until June 8th. Not all stories will be on a three-week hiatus, but this one will be.


"Fifty-four bottles of beer on the wall, fifty-four bottles of beer. Take one down, pass it around, fifty-three bottles of beer on the wall." Everyone was singing as loud as they could, well, everyone except Kimi, who was laughing at us.

After leaving my parents and renting an RV, Midoriya and I took turns driving. We have been switching out every five to six hours over the last two days. I drove from the VR rental in Montana to Casper, Wyoming, where Midoriya took over, and from there, he drove to Pueblo, Colorado. Driving straight through would have only taken eighteen hours without the overnight stops to sleep.

"Twenty-two bottles of beer on the wall, twenty-two bottles of beer. Take one down, pass it around, twenty-one bottles of beer on the wall." I am not sure how many times I can hear this song, but the kids love it, and it makes Midoriya smile, so it makes me smile.

Continuing to make our way to Texas, Midoriya drove the rest of the way through Colorado, a small portion of Oklahoma, and finally into Amarillo, Texas. This would have been crazy in a car between the kids passing out and snacking. I can't even think of all the bathroom breaks we would have needed.

"No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer. Go to the store and buy some more, ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall." Everyone finished the song for what must have been the millionth time as Midoriya pulled into a Walmart parking lot so we could gas up again.

Midoriya stayed in the RV with the kids while I paid at the pump and began filling the tank. As I watched the numbers on the gas pump change, I heard a voice. "Hey there, handsome." I saw a tall, thin woman with dark hair and blue eyes walk toward me. She turned her attention to the RV. "You traveling with the family, wife, and kids, I take it?" She winked at me.

Why would she say that or wink at me if she thought I was married? "No, I mean yes. I am traveling with the family—kids, yes, wife, no, I am not married," I said as she entered my space.

She pressed her left palm on my abs, then walked her fingertips all the way up, stopping at my chest. I saw the ring on her finger. I may not be married, but she is, and I have had enough of cheaters to last a lifetime. Looking me in the eyes. "You are too handsome to be single, but I am so glad you are."

I grabbed her hand to move it off me, but she took it wrong. She smiled and leaned in as I pushed her back. "No, I may not be married, but you are. Besides, you are not my type."

Her lips pulled up into a flirty smirk. "Sweetheart, I'm every man's type."

I shook my head at her, clearing my throat and grinning. I cocked a brow at her leaning in. I said, "Sweetheart, you don't have the right equipment to be my type." Then I pointed to the RV, where I saw Midoriya watching us. "You see that?" I asked as I watched her eyes follow my finger to green eyes that held what looked like jealousy and confusion. "That beautiful creature right there. That is my type." I smiled and winked at him, hoping he understood what was actually going on.

Her face held a look of disgust as I turned back to look at her, but I only smiled and winked at her. She clicked her tongue at me and turned to walk away. I replaced the gas nozzle and returned to the RV. "Sorry about that," I said to Midoriya as I took the driver's seat. "I will drive the last thirty minutes."

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