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Welcome. This book is something all right. I'm really liking how this book is turning out. It's a separate entity from all of the Union Books. This will be the introduction of the villains, Kaisen's combat evolution, and flat out good plot development. 

Anyways, enjoy...


Combat Class...

After a long dragged out five classes, all of the students were now in Combat class, where Kaisen shall reveal his identity...

Footsteps echo throughout the combat arena as Ms. Goodwitch, the combat teacher, stepped forward. 

"All right class. Today we will continue our sparring that we had before Thanksgiving break. I'm sure some of you have taken time to practice your fighting skills rather than your eating skills," Ms. Goodwitch tells them.

Some of the students couldn't help but snicker. It was a good joke coming from a teacher. 

"Ms. Ieiri here will provide medical assistance in case of the event that someone goes too far while sparring...not saying any names."

She then proceeds to stare at Bakugo, daggers penetrating his skin. He shrugs it off. She then glares at Cardin as well. He does the same gesture. 

"We'll be doing two vs two sparring matches. Would everyone please get into pairs?" Goodwitch asks the class. 

Everyone tried to find a partner. Everyone had a close friend that they had as partners. Goten and Trunks were a duo, so that was out the question for Kaisen. Bulla teamed up with another girl that he didn't know, so that was also out of the question.


He'd much rather go at it alone...



Goten and Trunks were demons on the battlefield. They were up against the red and yellow flash, AKA Ruby Rose and Yang Xiao-Long. The sisters were fast, but they couldn't catch up with saiyans, much less hybrids. They were defeated with no effort.

"Goten and Trunks win this battle!" Goodwitch announced. The crowd clapped for the hybrid duo, including Kaisen.

"Now, onto the last battle."

The screen shuffled the names of the teams. At last, it landed on Kaisen alone.


The screen shuffles the other team.


"Vs. Team 7!"

Sasuke and Naruto looked at Kaisen. Sasuke was a bit suprised, but Kaisen simply nodded as the three walked to the combat arena and create some distance from themselves.

"You must be cocky if you think you can handle us alone..." Sasuke told Kaisen.

"We'll beat you! Believe it!" Naruto claims.


"Less bark, more bite..." Kaisen simply said.




"Let the battle...BEGIN!"


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