Chapter 3: Prodigy

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Warning: swears, blood, gore, new character, mentions of alcohol and cigarettes, psychotic behavior, hunger, mentions of being watched, guns, knifes, this is a bit more graphic.


"Get your very own cleaning robot! 20% off until next Wednesday!" A store owner plastered a signed next to the store.
The man who owned the store pointed at a kid walking by.

The boy was short, had short black dreads, and two different eye colors. Left one was green, right one was hazel.

"How about you son? Your parents need help around the house?" He asked.
The boy shakes his head, "I don't need one, where can I find (M/c) Hopkins?" He asked.

"Oh... that kid.... Uh, you sure you're looking for them?" The man asked, "I don't mean to be rude but that kid is kind of.... Different..." he says nervously.

"I don't care what they are like, where can I find them?" The boy asked, "Well, they live down near the gate. The mansion nearest to the neighborhood where no one likes." The man pointed to the direction.

"What did you say your name was son?".

The boy started walking away, "My name is David Foster." He says in a monotone voice.


Jake walked down the street, taking a deep breath.
"It's fine... it's just the dark.... Stay in the lights..." Jake muttered to himself.

Scary things happen at night in Urban Lane. When the murders start to happen....

There have been too many murders in Urban Lane for it to be considered a safe place.

So no one goes outside, they pray that one of the killers that roams the night will be kind enough to not come.

But that brings us to more.... Paranormal activity....

The Dark Watchers......

Although they are harmless, it's still creepy to go outside and a bunch of shadow people starts staring at you.

Jake calmly walked down the street and starts to feel watched.... It was strong, meaning that all the shadows attention was on him.

Unlike ghosts, Jake couldn't touch the Dark Watchers, nor could he communicate with them.... They just..... watch....

'Just keep walking... don't bring more attention....' Jake's hands start to shake as the feeling of being watched was overwhelming him.

Jake almost jumps when he heard the sound of a cat meowing.
He looked down to see a black cat watching him from the distance.

'Great, that's totally great. A black cat definitely means I'm the luckiest person in the world.' Jake scoffed.
He gets sarcastic when he's nervous.

The light above him starts to flicker, in the split second it was off, Jake saw a Watcher in front of him.

Jake picks up the pace and turns the corner to another street lamp.
He felt like eyes were all over, just watching him.

The sound of footsteps made Jake turn around quickly to see the figure of a person standing just in front of a street lamp a few meters away.

Jake sighed with relief, "Are you the guy that the man told me to meet?" He called out.
The person starts to move. Jake squinted to see what they look like.

But then the person started to get clearer and clearer, enough for Jake to see the face of the boy that has been terrorizing the town for years...

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